New version much slower

Recently upgraded to v2.05.55 from 2.04

The new version is, IMHO, about 5 to 10 times slower than the previous. I've even reduced the size of the IE Temp files cache but still not happy with the performance.

Is this to do with it displaying what it is deleting ? I don't remember 2.04 doing this.

Can anything be done to restore the speed ?

What's the best procedure to restore v2.04 if the speed issue can't be fixed ?

Recently upgraded to v2.05.55 from 2.04

The new version is, IMHO, about 5 to 10 times slower than the previous. I've even reduced the size of the IE Temp files cache but still not happy with the performance.

Is this to do with it displaying what it is deleting ? I don't remember 2.04 doing this.

Can anything be done to restore the speed ?

What's the best procedure to restore v2.04 if the speed issue can't be fixed ?

I notice no difference in speed.

I notice no difference in speed.

How about other users - anyone else notice the file name display, each file deleition now takes about 1 second, i can see them as they are deleted - so a "busy" cache takes "busy" seconds - last one i ran took nearly 2 minutes !! thats only a couple hours riding the waves....

If it makes a difference I use Win 2K Pro

By example, before posting that last post, I ran CCleaner, then logged in and made the post.

After closing browser, (note no other pages visited), I ran CCleaner again - it took 18 seconds to clean the PC of 1 visit to this forum !!

By example, before posting that last post, I ran CCleaner, then logged in and made the post.

After closing browser, (note no other pages visited), I ran CCleaner again - it took 18 seconds to clean the PC of 1 visit to this forum !!

Well there is something off with that. Look at this. 11MB cleaned in less than a second.


Hello daba.

When I first started to read your Post I figured your previous version would be 1.4xxxx.

But 2.04 is the the last version prior to 2.05.555.I haven't heard of other users noticing a speed

change between the two.

To speed things up a "little" some users turn off Start menu shortcuts and Desktop shortcuts under

System cleaning options on the Windows tab.

Some more Applications areas are being cleaned in the v2.05.555 than prior versions also.

The Options > Advanced options Show detail log of INTERNET Temporary Files for IE and Firefox can be turned off to save 1 or 2 seconds.

The Options > Settings Secure Deletion should be set for Normal.

Yes, the whole processing procedure takes a certain amount of time whether you are cleaning .5 MB

or 50 MB.

The new feature to display what is being processed was to satisfy an outstanding number of requests to do so by the users of CCleaner.It is a benefit to all users.

Follow Andavari's instructions at this link to install an older version.

The latest version of CCleaner v 2.05.555 is the stablest and best I have used.

Older versions have more "bugs" and less features.

It is your decision.

Good Luck,

:) davey

Apologies, the previous version I had installed was 2.01, not 2.04

The new feature to display what is being processed was to satisfy an outstanding number of requests to do so by the users of CCleaner.It is a benefit to all users

I do agree a "log" to see what was deleted is a benefit, but to display each file as it is deleted for nearly a second is pointless and a waste of time. If this faeture is needed, then it should be an option you select before starting the scan, as you would not want it every time.

Anthony A's reply, quoting 11Mb cleaned in less than a second leads me to believe there is a problem with my installation. I will uninstall, re-install, and post back results.

Apologies, the previous version I had installed was 2.01, not 2.04

I do agree a "log" to see what was deleted is a benefit, but to display each file as it is deleted for nearly a second is pointless and a waste of time. If this feature is needed, then it should be an option you select before starting the scan, as you would not want it every time.

What feature are you referring to here? I don't see any option to disaplay files as they are deleted. When I run CCleaner I select analyze to see what will be cleaned. Than I select run and when I do everything is cleaned in less than a second and no files are dislpayed as they are deleted. Once I have run CCeaner there is a list of what has been cleaned.

Anthony, there's no option to show files being deleted, it just happens. There is a filename displayed in grey typeface at around one-second intervals in the CC window as either analyse or delete is run. It can't be every file as it would take hours to list at one file a second. Sometimes the analyse or delete is so fast that you don't see it (see last run below).

Right. After the pc had been on all day, I ran analyse. It took 1.48 secs on 28 mb of data. No filenames seen.

Reboot, run analyse. 66.48 sec on same data. Lots of filenames seen.

Reboot, run delete (no explicit analyse, no overwrite) 11.5 secs on same data. Can't remember if any filenames seen.

Open browser, get to this point, run delete.... just a min.... 0.241 sec on 0.64 mb. No filenames seen.

Sometimes deletes do seem to take some time. I'm not too bothered, I can wait, but it does seem to be inconsistent.

Anthony, there's no option to show files being deleted, it just happens. There is a filename displayed in grey typeface at around one-second intervals in the CC window as either analyse or delete is run. It can't be every file as it would take hours to list at one file a second. Sometimes the analyse or delete is so fast that you don't see it (see last run below).

Right. After the pc had been on all day, I ran analyse. It took 1.48 secs on 28 mb of data. No filenames seen.

Reboot, run analyse. 66.48 sec on same data. Lots of filenames seen.

Reboot, run delete (no explicit analyse, no overwrite) 11.5 secs on same data. Can't remember if any filenames seen.

Open browser, get to this point, run delete.... just a min.... 0.241 sec on 0.64 mb. No filenames seen.

Sometimes deletes do seem to take some time. I'm not too bothered, I can wait, but it does seem to be inconsistent.

I have never seen this behavior on any version of CCleaner. During analyze or clean I do not see any files in the screen during the process I just see a green progress bar. After I run analyze I see a list of what will be cleaned and after I run CCleaner and it deletes the files it will list what was cleaned but I have never seen it list any files while analyzing or cleaning and I use CCleaner probably 10 times a day on several machines.

There is a filename displayed in grey typeface

I see the words desktop shortcuts and start menu items listed in grey typeface while analyse is running

If this is the kind of thing you mean I will catch a screenshot of it next time I run it.

I see the words desktop shortcuts and start menu items listed in grey typeface while analyse is running

If this is the kind of thing you mean I will catch a screenshot of it next time I run it.

Where are you seeing this? My content area is blank during analyze there is just a progress bar at the top. When it finishes analyzing then the content area fills up with the files that will be cleaned. This happens in a blink of the eye literally.

In the content area, it is only displayed there briefly while the progress bar runs, and not everytime.

I've just tried to get a screenshot but unfortunately I'd just done a clean before I posted the above.

Soon as I can, I'll post one. Not enough rubbish at the moment, and perhaps I need to have those items in the content before it shows up?

Hi Anthony,

I think it is a processing speed thing.We have average computers and you use super dooper computers.

:) davey

P.S. I see most of the items listed on the Windows tab on the screen some a couple of seconds others several seconds some just a flash.

Hi Anthony,

I think it is a processing speed thing.We have average computers and you use super dooper computers.

:) davey

P.S. I see most of the items listed on the Windows tab on the screen some a couple of seconds others several seconds some just a flash.

No look at this. 3 year old Dell lap top. Average machine. 33MB cleaned in less than a second and I do not see anything during the cleaning or analyzing steps.


I think the problem revolves around the "Secure File Delete" option.

With this option switched ON, cleaning with 88 files in the Temp Int Files folder took about 9 seconds, the file display probably displaying the filename of about 1 in 10 files.

With the option switched OFF, cleaning is very quick, too fast to quantify, but less than a second. Nothing was displayed in the CCleaner window during this cleaningi process.

I started this thread after updating from an earlier version, and all personalised configuration settings were retained, as is usual in the upgrade process.

Although I can't be 100% certain, I believe I had secure file delete turned on before the update. That would make sense, there's no point only half-hiding your browsing history

IMHO, there is something different in the later version.

When I get chance (possibly tomorrow) I will revert to previous version and run similar tests.

Although I can't be 100% certain, I believe I had secure file delete turned on before the update.

Wasn't there a problem with some of the earlier versions not securely deleting all the files?

My tests, including the 66-second analyse, were all done with normal deletion (no overwrites). Yes, there was a problem with secure deletes some versions ago, but I don't think this is relevant in this case. (I am of course on the latest version.)

My tests, including the 66-second analyse, were all done with normal deletion (no overwrites). Yes, there was a problem with secure deletes some versions ago, but I don't think this is relevant in this case. (I am of course on the latest version.)

daba said things were slow when he used secure deletion with the current version and that he believed he was using secure deletion with the earlier version. Is it possible the earlier version appeared faster to him because it wasn't actually overwriting all the files?

EDIT: daba, how many passes have you set for secure deletion?

Not only don't I find this version slower but it's probably faster than any other version I have used.

Just cleaned over 100 MB in less than a second.
