New User Queries

Hi Everyone,

Just started using CCleaner a few weeks ago and find it a great program, no problems at all, just a couple of queries if I may.

When I installed, shortcuts were created in the admin account where I installed it only, not a big problem, on the other accounts I just navigated to the CCleaner folder and created shortcuts from there. I uninstalled/reinstalled v2.04.543 twice and v2.05.555 once and got the same results.

Anyway just wanted to know if this was normal.

Also after reading other posts on the Forum I wanted to know if my cleaning speed was normal.

19.8mb in 238.508 secs. 7 passes.

9.48mb in 55.385 secs. 7 passes.

my settings below.


Don't know if it matters but I use Vista Prem.

Thanks for any feedback.


Hello RedDawn

Yes normal as regards short cuts.

Can't advise about speeds as I don't use overwrite.However,1 overwrite is sufficient unless you are expecting a visit from MI-5 ,FBI ,CIA or KGB.

:) davey

Hello RedDawn

Yes normal as regards short cuts.

Can't advise about speeds as I don't use overwrite.However,1 overwrite is sufficient unless you are expecting a visit from MI-5 ,FBI ,CIA or KGB.

:) davey

Thanks davey, you've been very helpful. :)

However,1 overwrite is sufficient unless you are expecting a visit from MI-5 ,FBI ,CIA or KGB.

I couldn't agree more. This should be etched on the inside of every computer users' eyelids. If there is a reason to overwrite, and there isn't that often, then one overwrite is sufficient.

I couldn't agree more. This should be etched on the inside of every computer users' eyelids. If there is a reason to overwrite, and there isn't that often, then one overwrite is sufficient.

Yes,Augeas I have always had that understanding.

Besides a Hard Drive has a certain expected life span.

Why reduce it with all that extraneous overwriting.

Most users are going to be overwriting that data anyway in their normal use of the computer.

I have learned a lot following your threads.Thanks.

Unfortunately, I am one of those who can't keep a Pub schedule. :lol:

:) davey

Yes, I was disappointed when Piriform introduced the 35-pass overwrite. If ever there was a greater computing myth, a more useless consumer of resources, then this is it.

Pub schedules are easy. When approaching the establishment just veer left or right, as appropriate, and you find yourself in the company of fine fellows who will happily join you in convivial refreshment. Mind you, I am a little concerned about the state of beer in Maryland. Too cold and fizzy!

Keep up the good work.