New Trojan Guaranteed to Evade Flters

The new Trojan itself is known as Limbo 2, and has been designed for both customization and variation. Prevx, the company that first detected it, reports that hackers are selling custom-designed variations of the Trojan to customers anxious to avoid detection. If a variant of Limbo 2 is detected, the Trojan can be shifted to a new, undetected approach. The payload itself remains unchanged throughout this process.

The actual infection at the heart of Limbo 2 is also a bit fancier than your average keylogger. Not only will it save and transmit any data you enter as part of a normal logon process, the Trojan will also display spoofed information boxes when users touch on a login page the Trojan finds interesting. The exact data Limbo 2 requests can vary, but includes credit card numbers, e-mail addresses, and additional login details. Any personal information found on the hard drive will also be packed up and shipped back to Botnet Central.


The Chinese knock-off version will probably be on the market tomorrow if not sooner.

:) davey