New to CCleaner

Hi, I have just joined forum and with intention to download and use CCleaner to help

with "Registry Errors" on startup of PC. Any advice?

Yes, read my signature

Yes, read my signature

Thanks for warning. I am a novice to these issues really but I like to take

problems as far as I can and try to learn in the process.

The message that I get on startup of PC is

"One of the files containing the system registry data had to be recovered

by use of a log or alternative copy. The recovery was successful.

Should I worry about this?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Thanks for warning. I am a novice to these issues really but I like to take

problems as far as I can and try to learn in the process.

The message that I get on startup of PC is

"One of the files containing the system registry data had to be recovered

by use of a log or alternative copy. The recovery was successful.

Should I worry about this?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Only if it happens every time, then you should look into it. Theres a link in my sig as well to a "Faq" on the registry cleaner in CCleaner.

If the problem persists, we'll need more information to help you

Apparently this can happen after installing a hotfix.

Try having a read here;en-us;843426

Hopefully that will help

Hey there. I just joined. i'm new to the the computer world. i know some things, though. i do know you have to be good about cleaning you computer. i read about ccleaner and how good it is. I have the intention to downoload it but i'm not too sure. all the checking and unchecking of boxes has got me stumped. I know under Internet Ex., i check Temp internet files, cookies and history but i don't know about the rest. Under Windows Explorer--I have no clue. Under System. okay i know to check recycle bin. Then Under the Registry--no clue. I hope someone can help me. maybe my screen name should have been Clueless.

Hello allornothing

When you download ccleaner just go with the default ticks for cleaning.

Don't bother with the registry cleaning (issues) for now.

gotcha. Thank you for responding, Hazelnut.