Lately, I have noticed and alarming trend... Using the tasks folder to launch "startup" items... I was checking some Google Earth, Google Chrome, etc & noted that they had set themselves to update using the tasks folder instead of normal startup.
This is getting ridiculous! There are at least 2 startup items that need to be addressed.
BHO & Tasks folder. Both are getting regular hammering & abuse lately by newer applications seeking to "bypass" applications like CCleaner that enable a user to quickly disable an application from launching on startup.
Please, save us all! Is there any way to add the other 2 startup items under startup? Under the startup button, you can have BHO section, Startup, Tasks Folder. Those are all 3 locations that items startup from. Lately, more & more applications are starting to abuse these locations to permanently set themselves to "update", run processes, hide from normal users!
Please save us from this onslaught! BHO are all stored under 1 registry key I believe, so that should be a very simple matter to add, while tasks folder is always only in 1 folder as well on computers.
Does anyone else think it is a good idea to add the ability to disable the other 2 startup locations? I am beginning to feel so incomplete lately, trying to disable programs only to find out they do not have themselves in the normal startup locations, but hide in BHO or Tasks folder?
Here is a link that shows just how frustrated some users are getting at the new Google Updater "tasks" on startup!
I believe you can see what I mean if you read the first couple paragraphs. While I can & do know how to stop it, I pity the millions who do NOT know BHO + Tasks folder are 2 additional folders where items can load on startup!
I sure hope this gets included into CCleaner, because more & more programs are added daily that are starting to try to "sneak into" the system by using these old & oft forgotten ways of loading!
Please, help us before I tear my hair out, lol!