Case Pics
It looks okay, but maybe fan on side makes less nice.
Lian-Li cases look very good. Chieftec is maybe good too?
I actually think the case looks a bit bland and usual, perhaps the beige/white would look better as black or a very dark grey.
I like the case, not a bad choice. Make sure it has enough airflow. Possibly throw in a few fans.
I personally dont like the fan on the top (if thats what is is) as I usually have a cd or game case ect there. Also agree with Andavari as to the looks. Reminds me of a cp at a library or school or something. Id go with a different color choice.
Yes thats a 90mm fan on top its called a blow hole used to help remove heat from the top of the PC case its right above my CPU. There is also a 90 mm on the side it blows directly on the CPU plus a 90 in front and a 120 in back. It also comes with 4 drive bays so you dont have to stack you CD/DVD drives on top plus 2 small drive bays and 6 internal HD bays. I dont do games, digital photography/audio editing and desktop publishing are my games I like this case for its color beige with gray accents which matches all my drive faces an Boston acoustic sorround sound system I got 4 for $100 bucks so I'm more than happy with them.
I'll show you a blowhole