New or Old?

is newer release softwares alway better?

I think that depends on a lot of things, the obvious answer is no, because there are always exceptions to the rule. I used to run windows 2000SP4 and the old version of Bittorent worked 100x better than the newest version. But most of the time changes generally fix known problems in the previous version, so if there is something you are having problems with, check to see if this new version addresses your concerns, if not, then stay with your version.

thanks Newhotness for your analysis... maybe i should ask this question instead:

i am currently using photoshop v7... and i am actually thinking of upgrading it to a newer version... either to v8 (CS) or v9 (CS2)... but i cannot decide to whether stay at v7 or upgrade to v8 or v9...

well, i think it depends on if you are in need of the new features. Are you missing something that the new version has? or are you just upgrading because you can? think about that first before laying down your money.

thanks corjello... maybe i should really consider the new features in the newer version before i make any purchase... a simple common sense thing i should know... :(

Definitly not.

Many commercial software become crap because they want to make new version and add new features and it just ends with that they add useless features and bloat and often silly skins that just make the software suck.

Winamp 2 is great, then Justin Frankel who created it left Nullsoft/AOL and they made Winamp 3 and Winamp 5 which sucked.

ICQ probably was 7+ years ago, now they made it crap.

Windows Messenger was something you could live with, but not the new MSN.

This is what happends to much software, mostly commercial/propietary software, probably as a result that the creator of it doesnt care about the software and just want to make new release, add more stuff to it and get many as many users as possible.

It's really only you that can't live with anything; I use most of the aforementioned products (Winamp 5, MSN Messenger) just fine, and don't find a thing wrong with them.