New member - issues

WinXP SP2, Home

Just installed CCleaner1.23. Very nice program!!!

looking for the beginners guide (saw it before and will keep looking).

When the program says "Fix the Issues", does that mean "delete the issue" or will

the program attempt to actually fix whatever is wrong?

Ran the cleanup and looks good.

Ran the Issues (Analyze) and in several places in the list of issues found, i see some

issues with lines drawn through them. Not sure if this means something or if the table

lines are messed up...... i.e., like the lines on a sheet of paper, there are lines

between the lines that appears to be a strike out of the issue shown on the line.

Hope this is clear.




The two solid lines are the normal lines with an issue printed between them. The dash

line also appears, overlaying the particular issue (the dashed line prints as a solid line like the other two lines, not as dashes).



Found the beginners guide.
