"new hardware" dialog after cleaning

After running the cleaner the first time on my Dell Dimension desktop and rebooting the computer it entered the "New Hardware Found" dialog saying that the device "SDDMI2" was found.

I have no idea what this device might be and I had no luck with the autoinstall or trying the device drivers CD that came with the computer - I keep getting "software not found" errors.

I tried doing a restore of the Registry and that made no difference.

I had done quick tests of most of the computer features and don't see anything, yet, that doesn't work.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks, Tom

I don't have the cleaner, whatever that is, but I am having the exact same problem on my new Dell system. I found your post because I am searching all over the internet for SDDMI2 and I came across this site. Please let me know if you find out what this is.

After running the cleaner the first time on my Dell Dimension desktop and rebooting the computer it entered the "New Hardware Found" dialog saying that the device "SDDMI2" was found.

I have no idea what this device might be and I had no luck with the autoinstall or trying the device drivers CD that came with the computer - I keep getting "software not found" errors.

I tried doing a restore of the Registry and that made no difference.

I had done quick tests of most of the computer features and don't see anything, yet, that doesn't work.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks, Tom

Please post your DELL service tags and I'll try to assist.

Ok... I'm not sure about you imme, but for tferrio:

Try installing this:


If you somehow get lost on the site, the file is:

Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility, v.4.04.1007, A11

Release Date: 06/27/2003

I am having the exact same problem on my Dell after an automatic update that ran last evening.

running xp pro service pack 2 on a newer Dell Dimension 2400

Asset Tag: BHQBW41

Express Service Code: 250-167-555-37

Looking for a solution and this is where Google took me. Not much else out there on the subject otherwise.

I tried the chipset tool, to no avail.

Wow, everyone's on a dell, many on a dimension 2400! Hmm, so obviously it's a pretty specific piece of hardware...

run a search of:


for the filename:


Containing text:


Attach any found files so I can see what they belong to. Alternatively (or additionally), use this program and save a log file by going to List, Save to file and post whatever you can find. Thanks!

DeviceList.txtI have attached the file that you asked me to save from the utility that you suggested running.

There were no results in the search that you suggested I try.


Brian G.


This may sound stupid, but you guys should try installing this next:


It's the driver for integrated audio. It's worth a shot. I have a weird hunch about it being AC'97-related, but maybe I'm totally wrong... only one way to find out ;)

No Dice,

Wont load those drivers and just looks like a device with a question mark in my device manager.

Brian G.

No Dice,

Wont load those drivers and just looks like a device with a question mark in my device manager.

Brian G.

I had this same problem on a very old Dell the first time I rebooted after installing both the Dell Support Tool (http://support.dell.com/support/topics/global.aspx/support/en/dellsupport30?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&~ck=mn) and a minor Windows update. I thought it might be the Support Tool, since I had no trouble with the Windows update on 2 other computers. On searching Dell's support site, I found this thread: http://forums.us.dell.com/supportforums/bo...=157240#M229202, which appears to give a solution if not an answer. If the new version of the Support Tool is causing this, I'm sure there'll be many more forums and tech support entries in a week or so.

I hope this solves your problem.

Some info, but not downloadable patch here:


I had this same problem on a very old Dell the first time I rebooted after installing both the Dell Support Tool (http://support.dell.com/support/topics/global.aspx/support/en/dellsupport30?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&~ck=mn) and a minor Windows update. I thought it might be the Support Tool, since I had no trouble with the Windows update on 2 other computers. On searching Dell's support site, I found this thread: http://forums.us.dell.com/supportforums/bo...=157240#M229202, which appears to give a solution if not an answer. If the new version of the Support Tool is causing this, I'm sure there'll be many more forums and tech support entries in a week or so.

I hope this solves your problem.


I could have sworn I had tried deleting it and that it came back on re-boot, but after I read the notes in the Dell forum, I deleted it from the device manager device list (as suggested), and rebooted. It's gone!

Thanks You solved the problem (At least for me).

Brian G.

Thanks for the added info,

It ended up being as simple as deleting it from the device list for me.


Brian G.

lol Andavari, not even close. x_x

Thanks, everyone, for the active help. This is a great message board!

Since I'm seeing people not using CCleaner having the problem I'll assume it was a freak coincidence that I first saw the problem immediately after running CCleaner.

I "uninstalled" the SDDMI2 device and it did not get "re-found" when I rebooted. So I'll keep my fingers crossed.


lol Andavari, not even close. x_x

I was searching in a galaxy far, far away.

XP "New Hardware Found" dialog says that the device.....

This seems to be a "new feature" of WinXP since approx March issued updates. [when I first noticed it]

I have noticed it on 3 or 4 computers, both XP-home and XP-pro, both new boxes and 12 month old machines.

So far no reason found for this "new feature" of XP.

Have also noticed that previous hidden services are now showing/asking for permission to access web/lan connection via firewall [ZA-free] as well.

Maybe MS is tighting things up a bit [about time], rootkits, hidden process/services are all the rage this year as far as malware goes.

Will try the deleting question marked hardware trick, thanks for the tip.


** PS; haven't started using CCleaner yet, so it isn't CCleaner causing this problem. It's not happening on my Linux boxes either :-)