Some users don't like this new left column in google search results. Someone has made an addon for Firefox which disables it.
In beta at the moment
Some users don't like this new left column in google search results. Someone has made an addon for Firefox which disables it.
In beta at the moment
Allot of people don't like it as this search reveals. I don't like either.
Too much white space. (Sounds like somewhere else I know).
Thought it was just me that hated it
Page looks too cluttered and less space for the results. They should make the side bar collapsible. I think this is a trend to dumbing things down for Google. Chrome is joke that looks like it's designed by a five year old with brain damage and this side bar is just as stupid.
That having to wait for mouse-over was infuriating, but now there's no option to get UK results only. Not one I could find anyway. I wish they'd stop meddling with the setup.
All change is bad, especially change for the better.
You can always try this which gets its results direct from google, the main page has a different little message each time but the results page is just text (at least for now) Try a search
Look to the right of the main page which gives you the option of a 'private' search via https.
The Home Page I've used for some time still displays the old type configuration. No sidebar:
Has some nice themes.