New Dutch translator, please

I've translated the Piriform software for about a year, but because, since about a month, I have my own house and household, I just don't have the time any longer to do the translations. I told myself I'd catch up this month (I was already lagging behind with the translation of Speccy and the updates of the other programs) but I don't find the time.

I propose Willy2, who sent me a few suggestions to change a few translated words via PM.

Willy, you in for it?

It's been a fun ride, and I'm glad I could help out with this awesome software, but I have to say my farewell here. ;)

I would love to help and become the new dutch translator for the Piriform software. But currently there're two things that keep me from doing so.

1. My technical knowledge of computers is (comparitively/very) limited. (Especially Speccy)

2. I am not sure for how long I am able to have an internet connection in the coming months/weeks/years.


I just don't have the time any longer to do the translations

see attachment this is the one i'm always using


Old thread is old. Where did you get this .dll file from?