if it's all tied in with Dell Foundation Services, I've seen that on Dells for quiet a while, like a year or two it seems - maybe more.
it's one of the bloatware programs I remove from Programs & Features whenever I come across a Dell PC.
''In this case, it is not sufficient to just remove the CA. Dell Foundation Services will reinstall it. This is why you need to disable Dell Foundation Services first, or delete the Dell.Foundation.Agent.Plugins.eDell.dll.''
I'm pretty sure my laptop had that program on it when I got it but I uninstalled all of the dell programs when I got it. Only thing I have on here by dell is "Dell System Detect" which is used to update drivers online.
My laptop is from earlier this year. Dell Inspiron 13 7352, came with windows 8 but now runs windows 10.
I've been very happy with this laptop. Its fast, well made, and gets pretty good battery life. I have the I7 version.
This was a bonehead move by dell but its nowhere near as bad as Lenovo. I was actually looking at a pretty nice thinkpad when that scandal happened and went with this dell instead.