If you download the executable version (both x86 and x64 versions included), read carefully what it's displayed in the installation windows. Check carefully every tickmark out there. It attempts to install ask toolbar alongside another similar crapware.
ASK seems to be bundled with a lot of freeware these days. Gotta pay the bills somehow, I guess.
Wish someone would "ask" allot of developers to not use Ask. Nefarious rubbish!
February 12, 2013, 10:24pm
This is par for the course these days isn't it.
As long as you get an upfront option to decline these "offers", then all's good. (I'm sure I've said that in another thread recently).
As eL_P suggests, it's all important to watch every install carefully, and it's also worth leaving a couple of seconds between each click.
February 13, 2013, 12:44am
Some installers require an internet connection to download the spam. Without it you cannot continue.
Even if you deselect all crapware it still will create the two following registry entries (easily removed by Xplode's Adware cleaner):