New Cleaning Area

When we choose some programs eg:xxxx.jpg file to open with paint, adobe photoshop, windows picture viewer and etc. The right click option(Open With) will contain history that we used what program to open these types of files. Each time i want to clean them i will need to go to regedit to delete past history and it is such a waste of time.

So i strongly suggest that CCleaner will add this simple function to CCleaner so that next time i use it to clean my computer the registry also will consider to clear the (Open With) history.

Not a bad suggestion to be added to the tools section so that individual 'Open with' entries can be easily deleted, not the regular cleaner or issues section though as most users would not want to delete these, or all of them, every time they run CCleaner.

I think this is just as valid an addition to the main cleaner section as any of the other entries. It could go in the Advanced section disabled by default ... like any other setting it could be enabled or otherwise depending on users' tastes.

Edited to add: removed my '+1' ... not because I think it's a idea ... just because on reflection I think it's likely to appeal to such a small minority of users.

i cant really see how this is a privacy breach or can save space.

Would work well with the feature many people want to add custom reg entrys

i cant really see how this is a privacy breach or can save space.

True, but it's far from the weirdest thing I've seen requested ;)