New Ccleaner

I just got my ccleaner from maximum Feb issiue i ran it and it showed me around 382 items to deleat and i see some of my windows xp service updates as well

as my office projects that it wants me to deleat and more cookies then i have hair on my head is there a way that i can

set it to leave some objects without deleating them?? and if i deleat the service updates will it affect my computer or are these just file names and not attacted to certain programs... thanks for any help and im sure i will have more after i get this part figured out..

Hello F8 and welcome to the forum :)

Just to help get you started have a read here and then feel free to ask more questions if unsure still about anything.

Hello F8 and welcome to the forum :)

Just to help get you started have a read here and then feel free to ask more questions if unsure still about anything.

Hey much thanks that was what i needed so far great program and i thank maximum for giving me the chance to try it,but most of all i thank you for your speedy responce.

It's cool to see CCleaner offered via a big magazine! Now to only see it mentioned on the news channels like Spybot-S&D was only a few short years ago.