Hi. Please help. I recently installed CCleaner and did an analysis scan yesterday with all default boxes checked. The analysis has come back showing that 9.9 Gb of disc space can be removed. Most of these files are the system temporary files (9.3Gb). A bit worried to delete this amount of data. Is it safe to delete all the files recommended by the analysis scan. Thanks for the help.

If you have not cleaned anything on your pc before it may well be that you have those amounts.

The default checkboxes are usually safe to use, but with this amount to clean it could take a while.

Don't do any registry cleaning (issues) until you are more comfortable using the program.

The help file documentation can be read here

If you have not cleaned anything on your pc before it may well be that you have those amounts.

The default checkboxes are usually safe to use, but with this amount to clean it could take a while.

Don't do any registry cleaning (issues) until you are more comfortable using the program.

The help file documentation can be read here

Hi. thanks for the advice.Really appreciated.