Program crash after scanning a drive that contain large 'delete' files. (past 4 gb) some where even 10 or 11 gb. In case your wounding I use the drive to back up my computer.
error log:
*** *** ***
System Info: MS Windows XP SP2, Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.40GHz, 2.0GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X
failed with error: 0
OtherInfo:CMainDlg::OBClBnSc-No files found, Failed to scan drive.
*** *** ***
System Info: MS Windows XP SP2, Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.40GHz, 2.0GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X
failed with error: 0
OtherInfo:CMainDlg::OBClBnSc-No files found, Failed to scan drive.
Note: copy to new location but don't know how to remove or delete this post. I know how to edit it just not delete.
I don't know if it makes any difference, but I finally spotted the beta and just now loaded it over the top of the version I had. Works fine here. Love the way you can re-order things simply by clicking its' column header. Pete
I downloaded the new version and it hung at the same spot for me on my C drive. Works great on my G (external) drive though. Makes me believe that there is a conflict between the program and my specific hardrive or something i have installed on it.
An error report was sent to one of the developers in the hopes it helps them.
But... the List/Tree View takes long time to load results, more than the time of the scanner.
I think that virtual List/Tree Views can resolve this bothering problem.
Since they had touched in the subject of multi-language, if it will not have nobody still to translate into the Brazilian Portuguese, they can count on me.