Never defragments all the way

I can't get my computer defragmented all the way. Please help. I still have 110 that need to be defragmented I have done it 10 times and end up with more fragments each time


If it's been a very long time since you last defragged your computer - if at all - it may take a while for these defrag programs to work, but they do a really neat job, esp the first one :)

Don't forget that Piriform has Defraggler which is freeware!

And note that the Puran Defrag program isn't freeware.

Actually, now Puran Defrag has a free version, which is exactly the same as the paid version; the only difference is that you don't need to pay for it. I use it, and it's my favorite defragger (no offense to Defraggler). Link:

Ah, that's good to know. I'll have to try it again myself as my previous usage of it during its early days was very favorable.