Network Connection

My cable modem was turned off for some reasons! When i turned it back on, I keep getting this thing that says "Status: Acquiring network address" in the system tray.


here is the image. Does it has to do with any services? I followed BlackViper's instructions and disabled unesscessary services. Well, my internet is working fine. I'm able to surf and stuffs but dunno why i get that msg.

as soon as you connect, it has to acquire the network address.

if the cord is loose or its wireless and it keeps going in and out, this message will pop up.

your getting this because it has to keep reconnecting.

do you mean it says acquiring network address all the time?

what OS are you running?

EDIT:you can try unplugging the modem for 5 min and plug it back in.

if that doesnt work, you can try disabling it then reinabling it.

Never mind lol

did a restart and it's working fine.
