Netgear RangeMax *240 Wireless Router (WPNT834)

Ok, so Embarq our ISP came over like 1 month and 3 weeks ago to restore our DSL. We had to lower our Speed from 5MB to 3MB which isn't a big change but anyways...

*Tarun's support site will not connect! What could be the problem. Tarun stated it was the Router and I believe him but is there a way to fix this? The router Auto detected the connection so yeah... Settings were made for me. Router is hooked with *ZyXEL's Prestige 660 series DSL Modem

Edit: Please fix the topic name. It was *240... I forgot the 0 :)

not sure, you could try reinstalling the router software.

but first what i would do is try it on another computer hooked up to that network.

if that doesnt work, try just skipping the router and going right from the modem to a PC and see if that works :)

netgear routers are pretty fussy.

Just tried. Both failed to load. Hmm... *Tarun did inform me about having a server Issue or... something but he said that got fixed.

if you tried it without the router, that means the problem isnt the router.

how longs this been doing this?

another thing you could do is call your internet provider and they can most likely help you out with it.

I doubt it's the ISP or are connection for that matter. Have you tried the site? Work for you any?


works perfectly.

you said you tried it on another computer and also without the router.

have you tried re-setting the modem, the router, and your computer?

unplug/turn off all of those then plug in the modem first and wait a couple minutes till you plug in the modem.

then lastly, turn the computer back on.

if that doesnt work, theres not much left that could fix it that im aware of.

i would contact your ISP and they can check that stuff over the internet in a matter of seconds.

I may do that some other time. Thx for the help *Aaron

Edit: I've done the above cept to call our ISP about the problem.

Could there be a firewall preventing the connection for some reason?

I may do that some other time. Thx for the help *Aaron

Edit: I've done the above cept to call our ISP about the problem.

your very welcome.

you may also want to tell tarun that it wasnt the router causing the problems just so he knows :D

Could there be a firewall preventing the connection for some reason?

The Firewall on the Router is disabled. I doubt Windows Xp's Firewall is the cause.

You're right that probably isn't it then. Are you getting any error messages?

You're right that probably isn't it then. Are you getting any error messages?

Nope. I either get a *The Page Cannot Be Display or a hang and connection gives...

That is strange. I'm assuming it only does that on Tarun's site and nowhere else. Let us know if you figure out what's causing it. Sorry I wasn't any help.

That is strange. I'm assuming it only does that on Tarun's site and nowhere else. Let us know if you figure out what's causing it. Sorry I wasn't any help.

It's ok. Some problems are just harder to fix and to figure out how to fix then others... :)
I'm assuming it only does that on Tarun's site and nowhere else.
Problem... with certain sites



Well if he had made the 's' bold in the first place I wouldn't have missed it. So it's not my fault :P .

@New Age

Do you remember any of the other sites that won't connect?

Well if he had made the 's' bold in the first place I wouldn't have missed it. So it's not my fault :P .

@New Age

Do you remember any of the other sites that won't connect?

As far as I know that's the only site that doesn't connect.