
I've noticed after running the latest version of CCleaner (set in the default mode),

my net2phone program fails to open with an error message about some "installation problem".

In order to get my net2phone program up and running again, I must uninstall and reinstall it and all is well again.

I never had this problem with an earlier version of CCleaner(year old) and wondering

what this new version is doing to net2phone to make the exe file malfunction.

Any ideas....... thanks

Tell us step by step what you do in CCleaner.

Tell us step by step what you do in CCleaner.

I use CCleaner like any other average user, I "run cleaner" in

all three tabs and backup the issue deletes. Perhaps that is the

problem, since this newer version does more than my year

old version used to do.. Obviously something important to Net2phone

is being deleted that the old version did not remove, in time I will

figure it out.

Running my new copy of CCleaner in the analyze mode, the only

references I see in the logs to Net2phone are some stored cookies.

The removal of which you wouldn't think would prevent a program

from opening. I also notice this newer version has a check offs for

"old prefetch data' and "reg edit", which my old version did not have

and maybe a clue...

who knows, I just keep reinstalling Net2phone after CCleaner

disables it....

Thanks for your consideration!

I use CCleaner like any other average user, I "run cleaner" in

all three tabs and backup the issue deletes. Perhaps that is the

problem, since this newer version does more than my year

old version used to do.. Obviously something important to Net2phone

is being deleted that the old version did not remove, in time I will

figure it out.

Running my new copy of CCleaner in the analyze mode, the only

references I see in the logs to Net2phone are some stored cookies.

The removal of which you wouldn't think would prevent a program

from opening. I also notice this newer version has a check offs for

"old prefetch data' and "reg edit", which my old version did not have

and maybe a clue...

who knows, I just keep reinstalling Net2phone after CCleaner

disables it....

Thanks for your consideration!

Try running it without doing the Issues tab. See if it makes any difference.