I just started using Defraggler. I am wondering why it takes so many runs to defrag completely? For instance, I have been running it all day on this one machine... only 8GB drive, but the defrag process ends every five minutes or so saying "defrag complete"- but it isn't. It seems to do a little each time, but there are always many files still needing defragged, and so I just run it again... and again and again. Is there a way to tell the program to only stop when there are no fragmented files left?
How much free disk space do you have??
Richard S.
On this one I have about 39% free space- 3GB out of 8GB. After having run the program more than a dozen times I still have 35 fragmented files (1.7GB) in 779 total fragments, 35% fragmentation. This is on an old W2K box running the old version of defrag, ver 1.21, since that seems to be the most recent version capable of running on W2K (as I read on this forum). I have also run defraggler on my laptop, an XP machine with the latest version and seen similar results- the need to run the program multiple times. If i watch the "current state" stats, it seems that only a few files at a time are being defragged. Am I doing something wrong?
After looking things over, it seems that many of the files that need defragging are system files such as pagefile.sys and others. I am going to use pagedefrag and see if that helps.
4 last 9 days my PC turn off only two times after defrag the HDD. But last to days i try defrag my third HDD, but can't defrag to 0%. And start again and again....
My hdd have 465.8 GBfull size (83%), free 81.4 GB (17%); fragmented 162,1 GB (62 fragmented files, 726 total fragments, 5% fragmentation), how this can be? + How I can finnally defrag all 162.1 GB? Or I must after defragmentaion start evety time again?