Need to copy & past Option/include/exclude items

It would be very handy if I could copy and paste the files and folders I have listed in the Include and Exclude areas listed under Options. Now I have to do a printscreen copy to clipboard and copy it to a Word file. Copying the information directly to a Word document will be much easer and provide many more options.

BTW I love CCleaner along with Defragger and Recuva. Great products. I just gave a donation to Piriform and plan to do so at least once a year. Hint hint.... ;)

This is my first post. Call me Sling.

It would be very handy if I could copy and paste the files and folders I have listed in the Include and Exclude areas listed under Options. Now I have to do a printscreen copy to clipboard and copy it to a Word file. Copying the information directly to a Word document will be much easer and provide many more options.

BTW I love CCleaner along with Defragger and Recuva. Great products. I just gave a donation to Piriform and plan to do so at least once a year. Hint hint.... ;)

This is my first post. Call me Sling.

Sling, go into Options set ccleaner to save settings to ini file. open ini file (it's in the ccleaner program directory or in %appdata% not sure) and you'll find you're include/exclude listed in it

Sling, go into Options set ccleaner to save settings to ini file. open ini file (it's in the ccleaner program directory or in %appdata% not sure) and you'll find you're include/exclude listed in it

Thanks a bunch Nergal. Your help did the trick for me.