Kids want to play old win95 games so the old computer w/ win95 is back but want to do a cleanup.
Need to know what version of ccleaner to install and where to find it.
The kids and myself thank you.
Kids want to play old win95 games so the old computer w/ win95 is back but want to do a cleanup.
Need to know what version of ccleaner to install and where to find it.
The kids and myself thank you.
Archives are here :-
CCleaner version 3.00 Requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
CCleaner version 2.36 Requirements: Windows (All Versions)
I guess that any Series 1 or series 2 will work on Win95.
you may wish to look into emulating 16bit games on a modern computer if the win95 box doesn't work out
Alan, thanks for the info.
Installed ver. 2.36 but get error message about kernel 32. Its in the system folder but...Good old win95
Winapp2.ini, if I get the time to figure out how to accomplish whst you recommend, I will but, on the other hand you have no idea about the kids destructive power!!!
I once got version 1 for a win98 virtual machine. I think you should be able to get it from file hippo's ccleaner page
Start here http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/history/10/
would running a Virtual Machine and installing Win95 in that be a viable alternative?
Oracle VirtualBox is good - and free.
but i reckon you'd come across driver issues for the sound, video (hell - probably everything) cards.
Win 95 loads fine with Vbox as long as you have what you need (boot disc and install disc/code) I made a 95 just to see the changes lol
If you're looking for the old version of any software, it makes sense to look here first: http://www.oldversion.com/
*The link works if you hit "Windows", or enter "CCleaner" in the search field.
Edit: I visited the forums at msfn.org and found the last version that was compatible with Win98SE was CCleaner v 2.36.1233, so use that as a starting point and work backwards for Win95.
I've used oldversion in the past to pick up non-bloat versions of µTorrent and a few other programs, in case anyone's concerned about it
I wasn't aware that CCleaner ever worked on Win95.
Thanks all
Downloaded ver. 1.x.x (dont remember exactly) and it works just amazingly fine on win95
The higher versions, above the one I got, install but the kernel32 error comes up cause the higher versions of cclean, even though the description says for "All Windows", require windows ver. above Win95
Don't know why it just doesn't come out and say that.
Thanks again and if I were a bit tech savvy and had the time, I would take the advice of some of you and try running a VM.
Also for 95 and 98 you may need unicows.dll in the program (ccleaner) folder