Need help with Macrium Relfect

For those who use Macrium Reflect, I have a frustrating question.

I have never thought about verifying the backup file until today. I make two backups (from same computer) to two separate external HDs.

One backup verified OK, but other external HD backup has "Data Verification Failed" I checked with Macrium forum, but no help.

Does anyone have any ideas ??



Since verification failed your backup isn't good, or at least not a trustworthy source for recovery. Always verify immediately after a backup, it's time well spent should you need to restore. And since you haven't been verifying are you making the Macrium Rescue CD, which is required to restore the backup.

This is one of the points I've always stressed in threads involving any "Image" backup, whether it be Macrium or any other backup software.

1: Always verify the Image after making it. This can be selected as part of the backup process in the paid version, but must be done manually in the free version. Never, ever skip this part.

2: Always verify the integrity of the Image after carrying out any defragging of the drive that contains it.

3: Never, ever try to restore an Image without verifying it first. It's a while since I restored one, but I think this can be done through the boot CD process. I'll check that when I get a chance.

4: Always try out any new incarnation of the Rescue CD. You can go right through the process of restoring, to the point of starting the restoration, and then cancel.

Screenshots of trying out the Rescue CD:

There's some good info in that thread.

5: Unless you want to lose stuff, and have a pile of Windows updates to install, replace the Image maybe every month or so.

Skipping verification will land you in a bad place when the restore process fails.

I guess I didn't make my question clear enough. I realize verification is MUST.

My issue is one of the external HD image cannot be verified. "Data Verification Failed" What may be the problem ?? Now what do I need to do ??

I have several computers that I create image for. So this particular HD has several images from different computers. All using Macrium Reflect. Images from other computers are verified and fine except for this one computer image.

As I said, I created another image for this computer on second external HD which was verified fine.

So question becomes (not to repeat myself but for clarification) why imgages from same computer verifies on one HD, but not the other ??

Any ideas ??


3: Never, ever try to restore an Image without verifying it first. It's a while since I restored one, but I think this can be done through the boot CD process. I'll check that when I get a chance.

You can verify from the rescue CD!;) I always verify an image right after it's made. I also always verify an image before restoring it.

I guess I didn't make my question clear enough. I realize verification is MUST.

Don't take offence at this Tiger, but reading your first post ...

I have never thought about verifying the backup file until today.

... that didn't seem to be the case.

It might seem an obvious thing to say, but the verification process is built in to all these Imaging programs because making the new Image can fail for any number of reasons.

If you were verifying when you made it, you would simply have deleted the corrupt Image and made a new one, which would probably have been OK even if made on the PC which had the issue.

I'm not aware of any way to fix a corrupt Image (haven't googled that yet), but you can mount a Macrium Image as a drive, and copy stuff from it as you would a normal drive.

I've never had a corrupt Image, so I'm not aware if that would negate the "mount as a drive" process, but if there's important stuff in that Image, it's worth a try.

Right click the Image, and you should have a context menu item in bold face saying "Explore Image...".

If it works, you'll find a new drive under "My Computer".

Hope that helps.

I tried many things and none worked. I resorted to just copying the good image file and copy it on another external HD.

It seem that image verification failure is not very common thus no real solutions. Oh well...Life moves on...


You're either gonna love me or hate me for saying this Tiger, but make sure you verify the "copied" version of that Image, even if the original verified OK.

If you've already done that, then apologies from me.
