Need help in recovering a full Hd, having issues

Ok, not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not. I have a 2tb secondary drive that originally got messed up. Files no longer there, but are found using Recuva. If i use basic wizard mode theres no choice for sub directories. I can do a image to another drive. If i do that that will make an exact copy with accessible files then correct?
I tried advance mode, with sub directly checked and deep scan. But theres no choice to make it go to another drive when doing that. Since the drive is so full, it errors out saying not enough room is on the drive. Thats before i even recover. Suggestions/help would be great. thanks.

What do you mean "sub directory checked' in Advanced Mode? Recuva doesn't write to the source disk, what conditions cause the source disk to be full? If you can make an image copy then you are using Recuva Pro, and your licence entitles you to direct support from Piriform.

well it would be nice having a customer service phone number to call then wouldnt it. So what is the best way using recuva pro to get deleted files back. The steps please. thank you

Perhaps contact Piriform directly as you have paid for support