Need bigger font to print out documentation

Is there anyone out there who knows how I can possibly get the font bigger so that I can print out the instructions for Recuva??? I'm old but not THAT old. I have to go to 80% on Firefox to get everything on the page and it's so small I need a magnifying glass PLUS my reading glasses. Please help a squinty-eyed female!!! And yes, I did take off my shades.

Is there anyone out there who knows how I can possibly get the font bigger so that I can print out the instructions for Recuva??? I'm old but not THAT old. I have to go to 80% on Firefox to get everything on the page and it's so small I need a magnifying glass PLUS my reading glasses. Please help a squinty-eyed female!!! And yes, I did take off my shades.

Make you screen resolution a lot smaller. ;)

Make you screen resolution a lot smaller. ;)



Your welcome crazy all day. ;)

Your welcome crazy all day. ;)

<_< Tried the screen resolution but it made no difference when I printed out the doc. Reverted back to the size of the print it was. I use Firefox and I can change the percentage in the print menu to get larger type but I run into problems when a page has extremely small print. When I try to change to a larger percentage, then the end of the line won't be on the page. It must have something to do with the particular webpage because most webpages will wrap the lines even if I go to a larger percentage. Microsoft is notorious for their print being teeny tiny and I can't go up on the percentage or I lose the end. I'm sure this isn't very clear, but believe me it ain't clear to me either.

Copy+Paste into a Word or Wordpad document, then increase the size and fix any formatting issues from the copying process, finally save the document.


Verdana is a good font to use in your browser if you have trouble seeing small sized text on webpages, but of course it may screw up a sites formatting of how it looks.

I use Firefox and I can change the percentage in the print menu to get larger type but I run into problems when a page has extremely small print. When I try to change to a larger percentage, then the end of the line won't be on the page. It must have something to do with the particular webpage because most webpages will wrap the lines even if I go to a larger percentage.

Now you didn't say you were printing web pages before. This is a Recuva forum what does that have to do with printing web pages. You said print out the instructions for Recuva??? As your username suggests crazy all day. :rolleyes:

Do as Andavari suggests. ;)

Now you didn't say you were printing web pages before. This is a Recuva forum what does that have to do with printing web pages. You said print out the instructions for Recuva??? As your username suggests crazy all day. :rolleyes:

Do as Andavari suggests. ;)

:huh: Yes, I am trying to print out the instructions on how to use Recuva. But my browser is Firefox and that's where I print from. If I just hit Ctrl>print, I can't preview what's printing and I like to preview because there are times when there's a page I don't want to print out. Don't remember if the Recuva pg had a print feature...if it did, then I printed it out but it was so small it gave me a headache trying to read it. I'd have to read the posts back to make sure but I might have mentioned that the Microsoft website usually has extremely small print....I was just using it as a reference in regards to the small print(font) problem. If I can't make myself clear, then I release you from any further help to a poor, struggling computer operator. :lol: Thanks anyway. Thought there must be an easy way to increase font size but I'll just have to go buy a magnifying glass.