Need advice on upgrading to PRO

I am considering buying CCleaner Pro for home use.

Q1: How many PCs am I allowed to install Pro on. ?

   -  My wife and I each have a laptop and rig.  4 machines in all.

Q2: Does PRO behave in the same way as free CCleaner ?

Q3: What does “Complete Cleaning” actually mean ?

Q4: does PRO have to monitor all installs to remember what to clean ?

Q5: free CCleaner does not detect/clean everything, so I assume PRO is more thorough ?

Q6: can Real Time Monitoring be disabled ?

I would appreciate any advice, thank you :)

A1: you can install on all personally owned machines. So in your case, all 4 can have installation.

A2: The differences between pro and free are currently

-1yr of Automatic Updates (including the choice for updates to be silent), no more coming to piriform's website for updates.

-Multiuser or Alternative user cleaning. No more having to sign into both your and your wife's account on shared PCs.

-Browser monitoring. Clean browsers (cache/history/cookies) when they close.

-1 yr of Priority Support. The ability to email developers and get real answers instead of relying on me and my ilk here.

A3: Ummm huh? I don't understand Q3

A4: nope it works exactly like free in this case, invoking built in windows uninstaller.

A5: ccleaner, free and PRO, works on a detect and clean rule system. There's a vibrant community rule creation thread, in the ccleaner section of this site, called winapp2.ini. Perhaps there we can together with you create rules for your "missing programs". Free and PRO use the same ruleset and share the ability to use winapp2.ini files.

A6: as I don't have it enabled I'm going to say yes on this one.

I would like to apologize, it seems I have been mistaken.

the current license if purchase from this website is a one installation per unit bought, it is considered a "1 PC" product.

An "Installation" is defined as:

(i) the installation of one copy of the Product on an individual physical device or PC, which does not have Virtualization Capability (as defined below); or

(ii) each instance of the Product which is installed on a virtual machine operating on a device which has Virtualization Capability.

Where one copy of the Product is installed on a server providing remote access to users by means of Terminal Services or other services allowing multiple user profiles accessed at the same time from different remote locations, each user profile present on that server shall be deemed an Installation for the purposes of this clause.

“Virtualization Capability” means making a single physical device appear to function as multiple virtual resources.

(iii) “1 PC” product edition allows installation on a single computer.

(iv) “Unlimited PCs” product edition permits installation on all computers owned by you that are physically located in your residential home.

(v) when used in a business or commercial environment the “Unlimited PCs” product edition reverts to “1 PC” product edition.

The most recent license is found here

Thanks Nergal, :)

No need for an apology. I had figured 1PC per license.

Beyond my budget at the moment.

Regarding question/answer 3....

If you go to the CCLeaner download page, you're shown a matrix comparing Free/Pro/ProPlus.

There is a line that says "Complete Cleaning". According to the matrix, this is offered in Pro and Pro Plus, indicating that the free version does not offer "Complete Cleaning".

I'd like to know the answer as well... what exactly does "complete cleaning" mean here?


The developers have informed us that "complete cleaning" refers to the ability of the pro version to clean multiple users from a single administrator session

Thanks for the info! Makes more sense now.