I have a bunch of PC tools that I use and I want to organize all these tools in a personal panel. A little panel that would pop-up when I click my panel icon. Within this panel I would have various options with some buttons that would connect me to the piece of software that I would need for the job I wish to accomplish.
Does anyone have any advice for where I could get free software that would help me accomplish this or advice on how to program this myself (I have no experience with programming code)? I know some HTML but not much use in what I wish to accomplish.
Naturally, it goes without saying, that this is strictly for my personal use.
By PC Tools, are you referring to diagnostic tools, administrative, or general PC Maintenance?
If its diagnostic tools and you have a cd burner, you could download a Universlal Boot Disk (UCBD) and burn the iso file to a cd. You can also download the iso burner software if you don't have any. Your PC would boot off this disk and present a menu to choose the various diagnostic tools. Since its a bootable cd, Windows is not in the way for the tool to do its thing.
For the general stuff, do you need anything more than the Microsoft Management Console? If so, you could look into creating your own management console with the snap ins you need (If appropriate snap ins are available).
I think you misunderstood. I wish to develop a little program that I will have personally customized to just provide a link to certain programs I already have installed. Just a neat little project I am working on for myself. This program would open a panel whereby for example: I would have several buttons (or tabs), one of which would be labeled "Performance", then within this category I would have buttons for all my performance tweaking tools (like CCleaner). Another category would be Anti-Spyware/Malware, within which I would have 3 buttons, one for each of my 3 Anti-Spyware/Malware programs. etc. etc.
Just thought it would be fun to setup something like that for personal use. Now I just need to figure how to accomplish this task.
If your goal is to gain skills in programming, visual basic might be a language to consider.
Its not as much fun this way, but if the functionality of grouping similar tasks is the primary goal, I did something similar to what you described just by using Start--->Programs. I started by renaming CCleaner in Start-->Programs to Performance. Then I dragged and dropped things like Tweak, Recuva, Erunt, etc. to add to the Performance selection. The same method could be used with AntiSpyware/Malware, and any other groups you might want. And you would not have the overhead of another program running.
If your goal is to gain skills in programming, visual basic might be a language to consider.
Its not as much fun this way, but if the functionality of grouping similar tasks is the primary goal, I did something similar to what you described just by using Start--->Programs. I started by renaming CCleaner in Start-->Programs to Performance. Then I dragged and dropped things like Tweak, Recuva, Erunt, etc. to add to the Performance selection. The same method could be used with AntiSpyware/Malware, and any other groups you might want. And you would not have the overhead of another program running.
Good idea, I think I'll try that and see how I like it. Thank you.