Nationzoom Malware in the Ccleaner installer

Hello Piriform,

why is in the Installer the "Nationzoom Browser Malware" ?

When anyone install ccleaner on his computer the Nationzoom Browser Adware

take the control from the Browsersearchengine and the "Startpage".

Pleas remove this Adware.

Thank you!

Ccleaner does not contain malware. Where did you download it from? Only piriform and filehippo are approved official download locations. The only bundle in ccleaner is google chrome or toolbar.

Fwiw, the first time I clicked on those two links, one of them, the second I think, started opening popup pages when I closed it.

I just deleted the sandbox and tried it again, and the popups didn't happen.

Better safe than sorry, I think, but not my call, eh?

Now gonna restart so Powershadow dumps any uglies that may have accumulated. :)

A legit version of CCleaner doesn't contain any of the stuff linked to, so no need for the links, one of which comes up suspect with W.O.T.

Yes, I keep forgetting about WOT. It is very handy.

Yes, I keep forgetting about WOT. It is very handy.

So is using a HOSTS file that blocks malware domains, and/or to enable the blocking of malware domains in ad blocking software.
is the Source.

They share youre Software in a Bundle with the nationzoom Browser adware.

Thats not funny...

That site is a known malware site

Edit: Might be wrong about that, sorry

Good to report it, tho, Nighteyes.

You might be wrong Nergal but I seriously doubt that after fully checking out that CCleaner download.

@ Nighteyes ...

You've opened yourself a can of worms there I'm afraid as you've gotten yourself a completely illegal installer package containing what may or not be a legit version of CCleaner and all sorts of other rubbish packaged with it.

Sadly, you probably weren't to know that this isn't the way CCleaner is packaged, and the question is did you use the "decline" button in the bottom left of the installer GUI at each stage as there were half a dozen different questionable offers.

I'll be pointing the Piriform admin to this site, but in the meantime maybe you should get your computer checked out at a reputable anti-malware site ran by properly trained personnel?

We have a list of recommendations and links to them under forum rule #10: here ...

It would help if you inform them as to what you have installed and from where. You should of course uninstall your version of CCleaner, but that will probably not be enough without the proper checkup I suggest.

Legitimate CCleaner download here ...

That site is a known malware site Edit: Might be wrong about that, sorry

It is a malware site as detailed by Norton Safe Web and SiteAdvisor, it's also blacklisted in HpHosts. I don't think anyone should visit the links because Norton Safe Web categorizes it as drive-by-downloads.