NASA to Announce Success of Long Galactic Hunt

Hmmm, wonder what it could be? A black hole, dark matter or maybe even an earth like planet? :unsure:

Anyone know what NASA has been looking to find for around 50 years?

WASHINGTON -- NASA has scheduled a media teleconference Wednesday, May 14, at 1 p.m. EDT, to announce the discovery of an object in our Galaxy astronomers have been hunting for more than 50 years. This finding was made by combining data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory with ground-based observations.


Based on intensive research (okay, google :)) it could be intermediate-mass black holes.

Yes, I know, it don't understand them either!

To my knowledge there's already a black hole smack dab in the center of our galaxy according to the science shows on TV, they also have stated they're common place for the center of galaxies.

I think what they'd really like to find is another Earth like planet, or life. Of course finding another Earth like planet would take too long to get to, even if it was located around the nearest stars.

Come on!!! We all know what NASA has been looking for over the last 50 years.

E.T. s of course.

:) davey

Come on!!! We all know what NASA has been looking for over the last 50 years.

E.T. s of course.

:) davey

They're already here! :lol:

They're already here! :lol:

Of course, but what's that got to do with Space Exploration?

NASA' s budget depends on that. :lol: davey

From a North East of England viewpoint, I thought it might have been the Sun, but it showed up again yesterday. ;)