
Just thought I would start this topic in response to something Rridgely posted.

How many of you have myspace pages, and what do you think about it? I know a few who do, as do I, but what about the rest of you? Im finding it kind of fun. :)

I don't have a myspace. I don't want it. I hate it. It's G4Y! And also waste of time.


Just thought I would start this topic in response to something Rridgely posted.

How many of you have myspace pages, and what do you think about it? I know a few who do, as do I, but what about the rest of you? Im finding it kind of fun. :)

You know I have MySpace LOTW, it is kind of fun, and a good way to keep in touch with friends, whether they are online or offline ones.

I don't like, use, nor visit Myspace. I've heard too many problematic stories about it, and it's even blocked by hpHOSTS.

All you ever need to know about MySpace and why to avoid it.

I think Tarun's post pretty much summed up the generalization of emo-MySpace weirdos.

Blogger/Blogspot is better :) But I'm too lazy to keep one up (I did have one for... 2 posts or so!)

of course i have a myspace.

its a different way to talk and keep up with friends on there.

at times it can be really time consuming.

I don't have a MySpace account. I never had one. I don't wish or plan to get one. I probably never will get one. I hate it with a passion. ;)

My opinion is that MySpace is a place that caters to retards and that it is full of dumb people. The linguistic skill of the userbase appears to be terrible.

That is the most absurd explanation that I've ever seen Tarun. Those kinds of people exist EVERYWHERE. Even on our happy little forums. But there are normal people there as well.

There is now a security feature on myspace to protect yourself from the weirdos. You can make your profile private now without lying about your age.

Myspace is fine. I have found lots of old friends and stuff which is fun. :P

I have one. I see why some people hate it though. I once hated it. It maybe having problems now but hopefully they will get fixed.

Myspace is just bein slow right now.

Some members can't send or recieve messages. Some can't even view their own profile and some can't log-In.


For some that is mainly true...

People on MySpace tend to use the worst color schemes imaginable, yellow text on white background, or something really bad with bad fonts. Pages are very unreadable. Pages tend to be slow, since they have hundreads of images, many of them animated GIF's, background audio, flash and some movies. Pages load slow, and eat much memory in browser and consists of incorrect HTML code.

People there cant spell. You can see lots of use of CAPITAL LETTERS, like if their caps lock key was stuck. Constant use of OMG, ZOMG, WTF, LOL, etc. "i c u lol were r u?? nowai?? zomg!! me n u lol went 2 her <3 LOL".

If retards could fly, MySpace would be an airport.

If retards could fly, MySpace would be an airport.

Great one-liner Eldmannen

myspace is good, the millions of people that use it everyday will tell you that. a whole idea thought and made by one person. you say that some of the spaces are crap, well frankly some are, but some people do make some really nice spaces. dont knock mypsace if havent at least tried it. its a great way of keeping in touch with people.

People on MySpace tend to use the worst color schemes imaginable, yellow text on white background, or something really bad with bad fonts. Pages are very unreadable. Pages tend to be slow, since they have hundreads of images, many of them animated GIF's, background audio, flash and some movies. Pages load slow, and eat much memory in browser and consists of incorrect HTML code.

People there cant spell. You can see lots of use of CAPITAL LETTERS, like if their caps lock key was stuck. Constant use of OMG, ZOMG, WTF, LOL, etc. "i c u lol were r u?? nowai?? zomg!! me n u lol went 2 her <3 LOL".

thats what bugs me but usually its because it looks different on their screen or something like that.

i used a basic red text on black background and its very readable.

i do also hate those videos and images that take forever to load..

Some members can't send or recieve messages. Some can't even view their own profile and some can't log-In.

you must just suck at myspace cuz i havent had ANY problems except for when that power outage happened in LA and stuff like that.

maybe its just the area your in..

you must just suck at myspace cuz i havent had ANY problems except for when that power outage happened in LA and stuff like that.

maybe its just the area your in..

No i'm not having any problems. I said SOME Members are having problems. Not everyone but some...
I said SOME Members are having problems. Not everyone but some...

my bad, i read too fast.

they're probably all them underage kids that are on there.

i remember once, i got so mad at this 12 yr old girl cuz she was flaming me so i reported her as underage and within a week her profile was gone!

(she sense hasnt talked to me!)

lol... sucks for you. I keep on getting random request from hott! Chicks and I have a GF. I just deny the request...

your still getting those?

those are bots.

they were getting ppls accounts then just automatically adding them.

i remember one hack where a guy automatically went on someones friends list when they signed on.

i was one of the first 400 that got added.

i kept refreshing the page and it went up like 100/min.

got up to around 26000 before myspace banned him.