Myspace scams....again.

One of my friends has something I've never seen before. I first "suspected" her page to be that even right? Can someone's profile page even get infected, or is one of the servers infected and it is in someway showing up on profiles? Okay, well, I suspected it to be infected because there was one of those gay bulletins about "click here to take this amazing quiz! you can win.....!" blah blah blah....

I went to her profile, and when I pressed Home, I was redirected to a page that told me I didn't have access to. Then, Firefox gave me a little window telling me it was suspected of web site forgery and be careful of what I type in. I went back and checked where the invisible link was; it covered all of the space from her music player to the top links like home, browse and search. The website, when I hovered over the invisible section, was viewmor.epicsmyspace.........(I wont type the rest).

I love finding these, because none of my friends really recognize that these are scams, like those profile trackers that post comments about "want to see who views your profile, click here!".

Oh, and this is one of those reasons why I love Firefox. :rolleyes:

Totally possible, I ran across a code to wipe out the whole page, so someone could re create the whole page, links and all.

Its a code on your friends page, just find it and remove it ;)

Oh. I commented her and told her about it, and she removed the code. Then, she scanned for Spyware, and only had 3 infections. Hahah, she told me she was proud of herself. :lol:

Girls have some satisfaction when they fix something on the PC, even as simple as that.

My grandma got all excited because I fixed her PC then she plugged everything back in right.

Hahaha. I've taught her somethings about viruses and spyware, and which programs to use. She already used Spybot and Firefox before I said anything.