Mines had a few issues over the months which are mostly transparent which is why XP surprises me sometimes with its resilience to keep on going. I even made a customized SP3 patched setup disc using nLite for the eventual reinstall, however XP is going to have to literally be on its very last legs before I format.
Mines had a few issues over the months which are mostly transparent which is why XP surprises me sometimes with its resilience to keep on going. I even made a customized SP3 patched setup disc using nLite for the eventual reinstall, however XP is going to have to literally be on its very last legs before I format.
I was just bored and its too durn cold to go outside for a walk that I like to do and an all day M.A.S.H marathon on the History channel left little to watch on TV.
Only 10 days until I get my Vista system and I will have something to entertain me.