My wrist hurts.

Clicking 6 times in the install options to untick the boxes is just to much.

As i will send you my physician bill if I accumulate Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Please have it remember the options i checked during the new version of CCleaner.

Or have a unselect all box.

I'm joking of course about the physician bill. Because there is always Acupuncture.


Hello Spifey :)

Have a read of the documentation here

I have linked it to the bit about ccleaner.ini (near bottom)

Also when you download the next version, if you download over the top of the present one, that would also retain your 'painfully aquired' settings!

Use your nose, or feet, or get a helper monkey. Or download and install the slim version, with fewer boxes to untick.

HAHAHA helper Monkey


Thank you for the suggestions guys.

But can i somehow use the /s switch with the ccleaner.ini to disallow the installation of the 6 boxes?

Reason I'm asking is because CCleaner is updated a lot. Not that it's a bad thing of course.

But keeping track of versions on my usb stick would be tedious. I guess the auto update portion of it would work.

But normally i always have the computers disconnected from the Internet.

I suppose i could just use wget each time my usb stick goes online. But the exe/zip file gets renamed each time there is a new version.

Unless i can use filehippo's current download location.

But will the link 56920e3axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx change each time?






Can i have a little more information on UPDATEKEY? It's going to be read only. With no internet.

There was a post of it Here but it was never answered.

Also could a moderator move my post for me please.

I know it's not in the proper place.

And you shouldn't be laughing Nergal. There really are Helper Monkeys.



Mea culpa, not Nergal. But a helper monkey, writing a letter? (Photo 2)

But the exe/zip file gets renamed each time there is a new version.

I hate that.

Its OK on my desktop but it is a real pain keeping my Flash cards up to date with the Slim version as I have to delete the old and unzip the new.

Or have a unselect all box.

I second that!