Is Winmx still active, cos mine has seemed to just stopped working
It is not connecting when i try? Any sugestions?
Im pretty sure its the latest winmx.
Is Winmx still active, cos mine has seemed to just stopped working
It is not connecting when i try? Any sugestions?
Im pretty sure its the latest winmx.
Been axed, as far as I know. Move over to safe soulseek;
Direct Safe Download:
Really good, and you can download WHOLE albums in one go, not all the songs in one continous file playing, but seperate songs in one folder.
Piepatch will get WinMX running.
Read here about what,s going on with Winmx: Division in WinMX Community Threatens Resurrection
Just tried pie patch
no luck im afriad. do u think i should just delete it and get kazaa or something. i dont want kazza to mess up my computer like it did last time tho. kazza light has been recomended but im still scared. i just wanna download songs!
any suggestions?
thanks guys
Move over to safe soulseek;
Direct Safe Download:
Really good, and you can download WHOLE albums in one go, not all the songs in one continous file playing, but seperate songs in one folder.
does it take up a lot of memory on the computer??
Also Im worried I will not be able to download specific genres, such as bhangra continental music, so forth.
Isnt Kazzaa lIGHT THE best, is their any way to get win mx back again??
Kaazaa, its meant to cause problems... Soulseek is small space, and takes up next to no CPU. Just download it, give it a go, if you can't find what you're looking for, find another P2P program.
yea i know about the winmx thing not working...the patch only worked temporarily for me
i recommend this:
tim =)
They are pretty good as well.
Limewire has a lot of spyware.
yes ... that's true
winmx was definitely my preferred one
another one is
but that gave me a lot lot lot of spyware
tim =)
Thought I'd give your recommendation a go Tarun. Have downloaded and run it. Not too bad at all. If you were with winmx like me, this is not a bad second choice.
Once I got my head round the settings (not my strong point!) it is easy to use and works in a very similar way to winmx.
Tested Limewire, yes t is over-run with spyware. Use soulseek, never caused me any problems whatsoever.
I used Limewire for a long time and really liked it. However the latest version installed or allowed to be installed lots of serious and very hard to remove malware. The older versions let some adware etc. through but I was aware of it and it was easily removed.
I think it's too bad the program is now basically worthless in my opinion, It's certainly not worth all the trouble it causes.
I'm thinking the same thing is happening to since they still list it despite their "no malware" pledge and in fact give it their hearty recommendation. Then I read some of the over-the-top "User's Comments" which obviously come from people living in some sort of alternate universe very different than ours.
I've been using SoulSeek from Ultimate Predator's recommendation and it may not be as flashy as some of the others but it's easy to learn to use and offers a lot of content and some pretty neat features and options of it's own.
Thanks for taking my advice. I agree, presentation wise it lacks, but it is powerful, and you can download whole albums in one go, a gem in my view.