A banner ad on My Space has been infecting computers with adware.
OMFG, ill bet thats where i got my pop ups from!
good thing im using FF now!
OMFG, ill bet thats where i got my pop ups from!
good thing im using FF now!
I use FF, too. In fact, so many people are using FF, I wonder how long it will be before some nut-job writes a bug aimed at us. My Space needs to get their act together. They really screwed the pooch, security-wise.
FF + AdBlock + FilterSet.G + some personal AdBlock Tweaks = AD?!? WHERE?
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nf/20060721/tc_nf/44765
"This is a criminal act," said Hemanshu Nigam, chief security office at MySpace, in a statement. "This ad is being delivered by ad networks who distribute these ads to over a thousand sites across the Internet in addition to ours. We are working to have these ad networks remove this ad so that they do not appear on our site."
That comment caught my attention, one would think they'd get rid of the whole ad company responsible for it - I certainly would.
Not that I'm a fan of myspace because I've never visited it and never will and I'm going with the same approach as hpGURU's hpHOSTS file and I'm actively blocking myspace.com.
My personal belief is that MySpace is the devil.
I heard that LiveJournal had similar things.
And that on MySpace or LiveJournal, an advertiser used an security exploit in Flash to install spyware/adware.
They infect millions of computers, and MySpace is going todo nothing about it? "talk to ad networks about remove ad" ?
I think that they should abandon that ad network, and even sue them.