The behaviour of the My Music folder has changed recently. Previously I selected a sub folder, clicked on "play selection" and I was listening to music. This is no longer the case, and for a short period the folder thought it was My Pictures. Running a string rundll32 mydocs.dll,PerUserInit sorted this one out but it appears I am missing a desktop.ini file. I think this lives in registry but not sure, this is pushing the enevelope for me. I know that CCleaner would only have deleted a registry entry if it was already faulty, so I am not blaming here. I do have my last 3 backups, would restoring these restore the desktop.ini file? If yes how do I do a restore?
Hello xerowest,
A desktop.ini is a file.It may still exist.It may be gone.
If you Merge your .reg files from Registry "cleaning" you may restore the path to that file.
Just be sure to Merge the files in the reverse order they were created.
That is the latest one 1ST,the one prior to that 2nd and so on.
Good Luck,
To actually do the restore look in My Documents and you will find .reg files created by CCleaner.
They will have names like this cc_20080221_1419.reg . Right click on the newest one and select Merge .You will be asked do you want to update the registry and reply yes.
Do this for each .reg file you want to restore.
Back up your Registry first. I recommend the following. ERUNT is the best thing going for Registry Backup and Emergency Recovery.If you don't have it, install it NOW!!! Later will be too late. It only takes a few minutes to install and use. It's that IMPORTANT and that SIMPLE. A good backup SAVES MONEY, TIME and STRESS.
Use of CCleaner Cleaner function, ERUNT, NTREGOPT ,and Windows Disk Defragmenter program is sufficient to maintain most users PC's.
ERUNT and NTREGOPT are valuable programs for all users.This link is to the authors website.It is safe. Read all the links there when you have the time.
To install just click on SERVER1,2, or 3 on the left side.This installs a complete package.
When you install it, use all the "default" settings and locations.Also select AUTOBACKUP for ERUNT.
Weird names but invaluable programs.
NTREGOPT NT Registry Optimizer Registry Optimization for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista
ERUNT works for all versions of Windows even 64-bit.
YES, ERUNT has saved me in the past and will probably in the future also.
Hi Davey,
Thanks for the information, I had a partial success, one of 3 backups gave an error message and My Music has not changed. It may do after a restart which is not convenient right now
The programs seem handy additions, I like the auto registry backup. The names are weird sounding, don't exactly roll off the tongue but what is in a name?
What I really wish I had done is use Acronis to backup the drive, would have to be on DVD RW and I am days away from the $ for new HDD where there will be an Acronis partition to avoid DVD RW, and to rescue me from something like this, he who procrastinates reinstalls. Just made that up, consider it freeware!
I will probably get used to right clicking I don't feel this warrants an XP reinstall, did one of those in December and that will do me for a while ... no use crying over spilt milk.
Thanks again