My first digital photography

I`m always looking for interesting, stunning, unusual, or even bizarre photographs or art on the web, and over the last few months Ive found a bit of everything.

Found a lot of HRGiger type art, and lots of good pics on sites like rridgelys recent Cool Pics thread.

For a change, I thought I would post a few of my own that I took back in July last year, shortly after buying my first digital camera. I was looking after my sons two dogs at the time.

All of the pics were taken using the macro close up mode, and they show the detail and clarity you can get with an average Compact Digital Camera.

The first two are taken in his garden. Second two are something else entirely.

This thing jumped across the kitchen bench in front of me, and I nearly had a heart attack, I managed to catch it under a pint glass, which gives you an idea of it`s size. But apart from being scary, it`s actually stunning to look at.

For the nature lovers out there, I released it alive at the bottom of his garden.

First Picture: Second Picture: Third Picture: Fourth Picture:

I hope you like them, and have a look at the detail in full size, especially of the thing in the pint glass.

I know what it is, but don`t want to spoil the surprise. :o


Great pic,s Dennis , I still haven,t got My digital camera yet, but looking forward to it. Also Heres a site that has thousands of pic,s on it from, weird, funny, To great photography. Most probably know about it. But just in case. Cowboy

Really nice pictures. Super detail.

Here is one, an insect called a Velvet Ant, actually a wingless wasp capable of delivering a very painful sting. This one was released unharmed.

Time you got that camera Cowboy. Think of all the pictures you could have taken by now.

Once you start with a digital camera and your pc, you`ll be clicking all over the place. :P

That`s a stunning looking insect login123. Ive heard of that Velvet Ant, but not seen it close up like that.

Insects are the most amazing things.

If we hadn`t evolved to be the dominant species, it would have been insects.


Edit: That site is new to me cowboy. Thanks

If we hadn`t evolved to be the dominant species, it would have been insects.


. . .the jury is still out. . . :huh:

Here's one of a dragonfly I took in a garden while on holiday

cannot see the link in the reply, but when I click on "reply" as opposed to "add reply" it shows this link:, and there it is.

Nice picture. . .that dragonfly is watching you as closely as you are watching it. :P

Wonder why the link didn't show in the post? I am new to this forum business. Often lost and wandering. . .

...and a Brimstone Butterfly Taken last summer


Login 123

If you put your curser on the picture the finger appears, the link is embedded in the picture. Just click on it.

Glad you liked it. Dragonflies are never still so I was really lucky to catch it while it was taking a breather!


Hoping you know what this variety is as I haven't a clue, it was taken in the same wildlife garden as the dragonfly


Hoping you know what this variety is as I haven't a clue, it was taken in the same wildlife garden as the dragonfly

It's a Gatekeeper Hazelnut.

Thanks Mike :)

Hazelnut, in post number 6 and post number 10, this thread, there are references to pictures, but on my screen there is no link, no picture. Found the link by clicking on the direct reply option, then going directly to the site in another window. Great pictures, by the way. Thanks.

I am wondering if there is some setting I have set wrong, keeps me from seeing the originally posted link or picture? I can see the link OK in the reply I posted, and sure enough, click on it and there is the dragonfly.

Not really sure why you can't see the pics login123, you haven't got any sort of antivirus (say norton) that add blocks or anything have you?

Or a browser setting that does?

Perhaps some others will drop in on this and give some more suggestions.

...and a Brimstone Butterfly Taken last summer

The wings look just like a leaf.

One of the problems with Velvet Ants is that they are so pretty. Scarlet and black, kinda furry, not very aggressive. But if they sting. . .wow. . .The stinger is almost as long as the insect itself. Never been a victim, but have read about it.

I still cannot see the pictures in Hazelnut's post, but can see the other pictures, and the link I copied. No problem, checked all the forum settings, all seems OK.

I did, however, wonder if everyone else can see Hazelnut's link or picture?

FF with noscript here and everyones lovely pics are showing just fine. :)

FF with noscript here and everyones lovely pics are showing just fine. :)

Same set up here and everything's fine. Love those macro pics. :)

One of the problems with Velvet Ants is that they are so pretty. Scarlet and black, kinda furry, not very aggressive. But if they sting. . .wow. . .The stinger is almost as long as the insect itself. Never been a victim, but have read about it.

I still cannot see the pictures in Hazelnut's post, but can see the other pictures, and the link I copied. No problem, checked all the forum settings, all seems OK.

I did, however, wonder if everyone else can see Hazelnut's link or picture?

Login123 I can see the embedded images fine.

here is a link compilation of the pictures submitted so far:





hope that helps


Just noticed from your post fireryone, that the only ones login123 cannot see are mine from imageshack with embedded links.

Might be interesting if someone else could do a imageshack link to see if he can see it.