My feedback about Speccy

Hello, I�ve been using Piriform products for some time already, mainly CCleaner, and just tryed out Speccy.

At first, it analizes the whole computer, just like any other software with the same task. I�ve read some post from people saying that their PC freezed, of course it freezes for a little time, that happened to me too, but it came back after 1-3 minutes.

The last 2 things to load the infos, were HDD and RAM.

After some time, HDD was there, without temperature, but the details. Then it freezed again, regular for every step, for the RAM part. After a little longer time, my Windows restarted suddenly. When it was about to load, that frightening black screen appeared, telling about some main file that was corrupted or missing.

Before installing speccy, I had restarted the pc, to prevent any crashes, so my Windows was fine.

I had to take my Windows CD and open up the repair console, made a chkdsk-p, and chkdsk-r, looked for anything else that could help (I�m not any kind of master in this, but I can get by), and entered exit, and to my happines i could login normally.

I accepted the terms of use, I�m not angry or anything, just wanted to tell what happened to me, new products need the most feedback they can get, I think, hope what happened to me can help Piriform in any way.

Thanks for the greatest softwares out there related to administration.

Sincerely, Weslley.


Almost forgot, I�m using Windows XP SP3, running on AMD Athlon 64 3200+, 1GB ram, motherboard AsusK8N, HDD samsumg 120GB (117 maybe). My old video board died, I�m making do with S3 ViRGE DX/GX.

If you guys want to get in touch, here is my e-mail:

email address deleted by moderator to avoid spamming

"]Hello, I?ve been using Piriform products for some time already, mainly CCleaner, and just tryed out Speccy.

At first, it analizes the whole computer, just like any other software with the same task. I?ve read some post from people saying that their PC freezed, of course it freezes for a little time, that happened to me too, but it came back after 1-3 minutes.

The last 2 things to load the infos, were HDD and RAM.

After some time, HDD was there, without temperature, but the details. Then it freezed again, regular for every step, for the RAM part. After a little longer time, my Windows restarted suddenly. When it was about to load, that frightening black screen appeared, telling about some main file that was corrupted or missing.

Before installing speccy, I had restarted the pc, to prevent any crashes, so my Windows was fine.

I had to take my Windows CD and open up the repair console, made a chkdsk-p, and chkdsk-r, looked for anything else that could help (I?m not any kind of master in this, but I can get by), and entered exit, and to my happines i could login normally.

I accepted the terms of use, I?m not angry or anything, just wanted to tell what happened to me, new products need the most feedback they can get, I think, hope what happened to me can help Piriform in any way.

Thanks for the greatest softwares out there related to administration.

Sincerely, Weslley Enderson Lisboa.


Almost forgot, I?m using Windows XP SP3, running on AMD Athlon 64 3200+, 1GB ram, motherboard AsusK8N, HDD samsumg 120GB (117 maybe). My old video board died, I?m making do with S3 ViRGE DX/GX.

If you guys want to get in touch, here is my e-mail:

email address deleted by moderator to avoid spamming

As you say not angry, but this seems to have happened to a few people including me. This seems to be a problem when it is reading ram I know I have a problem with the Ram with windows not seeing all the ram I have on board but that doesn't show up any problems in day to day working. But Speccy obviously has a problem with it.

Would be nice to get some feed back from Piriform, as I was just about to recommend their products on a very larger forum site but I'm waiting to see if this gets resolved first.

Oh yeah, lets wait for improvements. Thanks for answering.