My Drive is Fragged Worse after Defragging!

I used Defraggler for years on my old PC with Windows XP-Pro and a 40 gb hard drive with much success. I have a relatively new desktop PC with Windows 8.1 (all updates) and a 1 tb hard drive. I also have Norton 360, which does cleanup and tuneup tasks automatically in the background, including defragging. I had been told that I don't need to defrag manually. But I decided to do a Defraggler analysis, and it told me that I had 25% fragmentation, which seems awfully high to me. So, I ran Defraggler. It said it would take more than a day, but I let it run overnight and it was done in the morning. Now, it says that the fragmentation is 30%, with 3164 fragmented files and 16,776 fragments!!! What is going on? Does defraggler not work correctly in Windows 8.1? What can I do now to fix this?

I'm assuming you downloaded the newest version for your Win 8.1 PC?

Did you adjust the options to Stop VSS and tell DF to exclude Restore Points and Hibernation file?

What is the automatic schedule for the Norton 360 maintenance? Any chance it started to do its thing while DF was running for so long?