My Computer "not responding"

XP SR2 CCleaner v2.05.055

After using Cleaner and Registry "My Computer" doesn't respond. Closing it goes to blue screen. Using Task Manager to close program eventually brings back desktop. Had similar problem with earlier versions (minus blue screen) which healed with shutdown, chkdsk and restart. Any ideas?

XP SR2 CCleaner v2.05.055

After using Cleaner and Registry "My Computer" doesn't respond. Closing it goes to blue screen. Using Task Manager to close program eventually brings back desktop. Had similar problem with earlier versions (minus blue screen) which healed with shutdown, chkdsk and restart. Any ideas?

Hello oregoncoast,

If this is the first time you used CCleaner v 2.05.555,try to Merge your CCleaner .reg backups "latest" first then prior one etc. .( Only the ones you just created)

Then do a reboot.Let us know how it goes.

Good Luck,

:) davey

P.S. Turn off any Advanced options on your Windows tab in CCleaner.

If you are using Options > Include or Exclude leave last Advanced option checked on Windows tab.

Some users get the file or folder paths incorrect and this can cause problems also.

I am wondering why similar problems with earlier versions also.

Hello oregoncoast,

If this is the first time you used CCleaner v 2.05.555,try to Merge your CCleaner .reg backups "latest" first then prior one etc. .( Only the ones you just created)

Then do a reboot.Let us know how it goes.

Good Luck,

:) davey

P.S. Turn off any Advanced options on your Windows tab in CCleaner.

If you are using Options > Include or Exclude leave last Advanced option checked on Windows tab.

Some users get the file or folder paths incorrect and this can cause problems also.

I am wondering why similar problems with earlier versions also.


Thanks for the quick response and help. After posting, I gave it one last reboot (my seventh) before going to my backup disk. "My Computer" healed and now works.

I am not sure I would have been able to merge the CCleaner.reg backup without using the "My computer" directory to find and execute the backup file. Maybe in future versions we need a "Resore" button or store it on a floppy.

I have no Advanced options selected. There are no Options > Include or Exclude entries. There are some cookies marked for preservation.

Strike the prior versions comment. Although it did happen, I also ran Registry Mechanic at the same time. I thought RM was the problem and unistalled it. I don't remember if I ran CCleaner after the uninstall.


OK!!! Good News.

Now for a little practice and learning.

Better now than later.Where have I heard that before?

Click on My Documents.

Here is where you will find the CCleaner registry changes backups.

To actually do the restore look in My Documents and you will find .reg files created by CCleaner.

They will have names like this cc_20080221_1419.reg . (cc for CCleaner year month day time of day .reg)

Right click on the newest one and select Merge .You will be asked do you want to add the information in this file to the Registry and reply "Yes" to update or "No" to stop . This time you you will reply "No" since this is just a test.

You were correct to be cautious about Resetting the Registry needlessly.

Good Luck,

:) davey

OK!!! Good News.

Now for a little practice and learning.

Better now than later.Where have I heard that before?

Click on My Documents.

Here is where you will find the CCleaner registry changes backups.

To actually do the restore look in My Documents and you will find .reg files created by CCleaner.

They will have names like this cc_20080221_1419.reg . (cc for CCleaner year month day time of day .reg)

Right click on the newest one and select Merge .You will be asked do you want to add the information in this file to the Registry and reply "Yes" to update or "No" to stop . This time you you will reply "No" since this is just a test.

You were correct to be cautious about Resetting the Registry needlessly.

Good Luck,

:) davey


Thanks. You are great to spend the time to help me learn. I also downloaded your tutorial which was very helpful and the info on ERUNT and NTREGOPT. I had filed the registry backup on my another drive but will in the future send it to the default as you suggest which should make it easier to find if I again lose the Win directory utility.

Thanks so much.