Ever since I downloaded and installed the latest update to CCleaner, my computer has been buggy, messed up.
What happens is, every 5 seconds I get a pop up message that says:
"Chrome.exe. Bad Image. The application or DLL C:\Windows\System32\PFHI.DLL is not a valid windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette."
Now, this happens every time I try to open an application, all applications, not just Chrome as I've stated above. I just used Chrome as an example, but this happens over and over and over again, with all applications I have in my system when I try to open them, and also when I reboot my computer I get a whole bunch of these messages for all applications in my system, one after the other.
I am certain it has something to do with my last use of CCleaner since I updated it, because prior to that, I had no problems whatsover.
Does anyone know why I'm having this problem and how to resolve it? I really don't want to format my system.
Thank you in advance!!!
EDIT: When I ran Cleaner, I only ran the Cleaner, I didn't run the Registry Cleaner. I did not do anything to the Registry, thanks!
This is not a valid Bug report. You fail to state the versions of :-
Windows + Service Packs.
I suggest that Chrome has been updated and did this to itself.
I said that I had updated to the latest version of CCleaner. That is version 3.08.1475.
I also said that the problem happens when I try to open ALL applications, not just Chrome. I said I was using the Chrome error message as an example. I even get these errors when I try to open CCleaner, ALL applications. The CCleaner error states
"CCleaner.exe Bad Image. The application or DLL C:\Windows\System32\PFHI.DLL is not a valid windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette" So this is not a Chrome problem, and in any case, I am running the latest version of Chrome, which happens to be version 12.0.742.122.
If I am in the wrong section of this forum, kindly inform me as to where I should post this issue.
This is unlikely caused by CCleaner, and the only other good info I've been able to find about that PFHI.DLL is to scan your system for malware/virus.
I'd recommend following as much of these instructions as possible, and if you must post logs only post them in the Spyware Hell part of our forum by starting a new topic and then our Spyware Mod can help you:
I must be blind today, I didn't see that Alan_B already recommended what I've just wrote. Well you've got two suggestions for running the scans listed in our Spyware Hell forums.
Just curious, is the warning worded the same for any app you try to open, including the reference to PFH1.DLL? In any case, posting up in Spyware Hell is a good move.
The presence of an unwanted file in System32 should not disrupt the operation of Chrome or CCleaner or anything else.
I suggest your system was very badly damaged by the PFHI.DLL virus.
I do believe that "PFHI.DLL is not a valid windows image"
But I would not expect the operating system to make any such complaint when it is told to execute CCleaner.exe.
Somehow something else was trying to launch PFH1.DLL at 5 second intervals.
Who knows what else it might still be secretly AND STILL SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHING at 5 second intervals.
Google results suggest that you do NOT remove the virus by deleting the file. It is more tenacious than you realise.
It is I believe more likely that the virus has planted other code in other places which could even now be catching keystrokes and reporting back to base :-
Your credit card details,
your Banking password,
and anything else that might be considered of value.