My computer beeps when playing Halo

I just noticed a few days ago, then when I'm playing Halo PC online, I get a beep coming from the tower. I don't know exactly where it's coming from though. And, I only get it when I play the game, and I only hear it once.

Does anyone know what is making the beep and why it is happening?

No, but keep an eye, err ear, on it. Pay attention to how many beeps, whether they are long or short and the exact sequence. ie. two long one short.

You will then be able to trouble shoot it at M$.

If you have a manual for your computer, check it out. It may be signaling the beginning of the end of your CMOS battery.

Thanks. I checked Microsoft's website for the manual, since I can't find my paper copy. And, well....I can't find the online one either. :unsure: They changed their site around, and I don't know where it's located.

I Googled to see what other people had to say about the beeps, and most of them were multiple beeps during startup. I've never had those, and I hope I never do. :unsure:

But, to give some more information, the beep only happens once during game play. I usually will have my computer on for about 5 hours, and I never hear the beep. I've even continued using my computer AFTER playing Halo and hearing the beep, and I didn't notice any change in speed or performance. I know that Halo doesn't take up that much cPU power or RAM, and I have never heard it while using Photoshop(which takes up more, I believe).

Can a video card make a beep? I have Halo running at full resolution(1680x1050) and with the highest settings, which should be the stock settings, and I'm wondering if with the high settings and high resolution is causing the card to beep telling me "hey, you're using more video card power than the card produces".....or something like that. But, I don't know anything about most I could be 100% wrong.

Do you have any heat/temperature monitoring software running?

As they will make beeps (donk donk donk donk ....) when it thinks heat is above the recommend heat threashold.

Do you have any heat/temperature monitoring software running?

As they will make beeps (donk donk donk donk ....) when it thinks heat is above the recommend heat threashold.

Uhm, I'm not sure. Do you know the names of the programs? I've never really noticed any program that does that, and I've never download it.

If it is an overheating issue make sure your computer doesn't have dust built up on the vents. It also doesn't hurt to make sure there isn't allot of dust built up on the inside of the computer as well such as the components like the CPU, fans, etc.

I'm pretty sure it's not that. :lol: I just had a new fan replaced not too long ago, around Christmas, and I cleaned the vents and most of the parts then.

I played it again yesterday, and never heard the beep, so I don't know.

Okay, so I just finished playing again. I checked my CPU Usage(if it's around 100% for awhile, doesn't that mean your computer will overheat?) while I had the game up and on the internet server screen. It was the normal 0-5% usage. I checked it again while I was actually in a game, and it was around 50%, usually between 25 and 45. And, it never beeped while I was playing. :blink: