My 2 CD Drives

Not sure what is going on , but both of my CD drives are not available. When I pull up My Computer, they are not there, and when I put a disk in the message says "can't find dvd rom". I did run CCleaner a few days ago, but not sure if this could have cause a problem??? Could I have deleted something I shouldn't have?Any ideas on how to "reconnect" these devices. I do not know where to begin....THANKS

You didnt by any chance just try to remove the sony root kit did you? If you don't know what I'm talking about don't worry about it.

Have you checked Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > System Tools > Device Manager to see if the drives show up? If they do, check Properties for each. They could be disabled, you may need to reinstall or update the driver, etc.

If they don't show, try Control Panel > Add Hardware. The Add Hardware Wizard will attempt to detect connected but "uninstalled" hardware, and install it or offer a troubleshooting dialog.

Check your computer manufacturer website for a driver reset program.

Also if you check you bios there could be a problem there. Make sure they are set to master and slave and all that good stuff

Check your computer manufacturer website for a driver reset program.


Have not been able to deal with this I am back. The CD drives open and close. I went to system/hardware device..checked the properties on each drive. It said the device drivers were found, but can not find the hardware (CODE 41). I tried to do a restore on the drivers, but the system said I did not have any drivers to restore..I tried to update the drivers, but it said I have the best drivers for these drives on my do I get my computer to recognize the drives.. Unfortunately, this sytem is a "DELL CLONE", and I can not contact the "manufacturer".

Drives Found: HLDTST CD ROM GCR-8481B


My first post concerning this problem occurred after I updated to the latest version of ccleaner and ran it. Coincidentaly..I did the same on my system at work , and I can not access the CD drive on that system at all.

Anyone have a solution for me??? Really Desperate!



Also if you check you bios there could be a problem there. Make sure they are set to master and slave and all that good stuff


Can I check the bios without doing a restart and going in that system setup?? I think I may have checked this awhile ago, and I think it was good, but can't be positive??

From Microsoft XP Resource Kit:

Error Code 41 - Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but cannot find the hardware device. (Code 41)

A driver was loaded but Windows cannot find the device. This happens when Windows does not detect a non-Plug and Play device.

If the device was removed, uninstall the driver, install the device, and then click Scan for hardware changes to reinstall the driver. If the hardware was not removed, obtain a new or updated driver for the device.

If the device is a non-Plug and Play device, a newer version of the driver might be needed. To install non-Plug and Play devices, use the Add Hardware wizard. Click Performance and Maintenance on Control Panel, click System, and on the Hardware tab, click Add Hardware Wizard.

On the General Properties tab of the device, click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooting wizard.

Even if the device was not removed, you may want to remove it and try the complete uninstall / re-install.

From Windows XP Knowledge Base:

CD-ROM access is missing and messages cite error Code 31, Code 32, Code 19, Code 39, or Code 41 after you remove Easy CD Creator in Windows XP

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).

2. Locate the UpperFilters value under the following key in the registry:


3. On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click OK.

4. Locate the LowerFilters value under the same key in the registry:


5. On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click OK.

6. Quit Registry Editor.NOTE: After you remove the Upperfilters value and the Lowerfilters value, if you notice lost functionality in a particular program, such as CD recording software, you may need to reinstall that software. If the problem recurs, consult with the software vendor for assistance.

7. Restart your computer.

Although this is specific to removing Easy CD Creator, others cite this as a general fix for Code 41.

Unfortunately, this sytem is a "DELL CLONE", and I can not contact the "manufacturer".


Not sure what you mean by Dell Clone and even if you don't have a valid service tag which would be the case if you bought the system used from an individual you can get the service tag information transferred to you in your name.

Dell has a utility called Dell Driver Reset Tool v1.02L A01, direct download:

Not sure what you mean by Dell Clone and even if you don't have a valid service tag which would be the case if you bought the system used from an individual you can get the service tag information transferred to you in your name.

Dell has a utility called Dell Driver Reset Tool v1.02L A01, direct download:


Thanks...well, by "clone", I mean, I bought this pc from a guy who built it to my specs...sold it as his, but he said it is a Dell PC. I can not contact Dell for support, and this guy and I no longer do business together. So, I feel like I am on my own. I will never buy a pc this way again. When I start up the pc..there is no DELL logo appearing..OK, now back to my drive problems. I downloaded the driver you what do I do??

Thanks for your help


From Microsoft XP Resource Kit:

Error Code 41 - Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but cannot find the hardware device. (Code 41)

A driver was loaded but Windows cannot find the device. This happens when Windows does not detect a non-Plug and Play device.

If the device was removed, uninstall the driver, install the device, and then click Scan for hardware changes to reinstall the driver. If the hardware was not removed, obtain a new or updated driver for the device.

If the device is a non-Plug and Play device, a newer version of the driver might be needed. To install non-Plug and Play devices, use the Add Hardware wizard. Click Performance and Maintenance on Control Panel, click System, and on the Hardware tab, click Add Hardware Wizard.

On the General Properties tab of the device, click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooting wizard.

Even if the device was not removed, you may want to remove it and try the complete uninstall / re-install.

From Windows XP Knowledge Base:

CD-ROM access is missing and messages cite error Code 31, Code 32, Code 19, Code 39, or Code 41 after you remove Easy CD Creator in Windows XP

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).

2. Locate the UpperFilters value under the following key in the registry:


3. On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click OK.

4. Locate the LowerFilters value under the same key in the registry:


5. On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click OK.

6. Quit Registry Editor.NOTE: After you remove the Upperfilters value and the Lowerfilters value, if you notice lost functionality in a particular program, such as CD recording software, you may need to reinstall that software. If the problem recurs, consult with the software vendor for assistance.

7. Restart your computer.

Although this is specific to removing Easy CD Creator, others cite this as a general fix for Code 41.


Thanks..I must admit, I will try this. It sounds like it should work. I will get back to you...

From Microsoft XP Resource Kit:

Error Code 41 - Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but cannot find the hardware device. (Code 41)

A driver was loaded but Windows cannot find the device. This happens when Windows does not detect a non-Plug and Play device.

If the device was removed, uninstall the driver, install the device, and then click Scan for hardware changes to reinstall the driver. If the hardware was not removed, obtain a new or updated driver for the device.

If the device is a non-Plug and Play device, a newer version of the driver might be needed. To install non-Plug and Play devices, use the Add Hardware wizard. Click Performance and Maintenance on Control Panel, click System, and on the Hardware tab, click Add Hardware Wizard.

On the General Properties tab of the device, click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooting wizard.

"Registry Editing has been disabled by your administrator" I am the administrator, how do I enable editing of this file??

Even if the device was not removed, you may want to remove it and try the complete uninstall / re-install.

From Windows XP Knowledge Base:

CD-ROM access is missing and messages cite error Code 31, Code 32, Code 19, Code 39, or Code 41 after you remove Easy CD Creator in Windows XP

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).

2. Locate the UpperFilters value under the following key in the registry:


3. On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click OK.

4. Locate the LowerFilters value under the same key in the registry:


5. On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click OK.

6. Quit Registry Editor.NOTE: After you remove the Upperfilters value and the Lowerfilters value, if you notice lost functionality in a particular program, such as CD recording software, you may need to reinstall that software. If the problem recurs, consult with the software vendor for assistance.

7. Restart your computer.

Although this is specific to removing Easy CD Creator, others cite this as a general fix for Code 41.


"Registry Editing has been disabled by your administrator" I am the administrator, how do I enable editing of this file??

Can't help you on that one ... I don't know what would lock you out if you're the administrator.

Sorry if I wasn't clear ... the two possible solutions are independent. I had a glitch with one of my CD drives and only needed to do the first - disconnect, uninstall and reinstall. I never had to resort to the registry hack.

If it is in fact a dell, you can enter the bios on boot by pressing F2. If you get in, set both drives to auto. I recently installed a second drive in a dell,so I am sure that is how it functions.

Re: registry rights - see

Possible cause?

I downloaded the driver you what do I do??


Well since it isn't an actual Dell manufactured PC I have no ideal if it would even work, you may actually cause problems running it and allowing it to make system changes. On my system I just ran the downloaded file, it installs the program which you can then run from the start menu program group named:

Dell Accessories > Driver Reset Tool

Well since it isn't an actual Dell manufactured PC I have no ideal if it would even work, you may actually cause problems running it and allowing it to make system changes. On my system I just ran the downloaded file, it installs the program which you can then run from the start menu program group named:

Dell Accessories > Driver Reset Tool


OK..I am trying to fix my CD problem, still. I tried the driver reset tool from Dell, someone suggested..did not do the job. I also tried checking the bios and found the CD drives both set on auto..also a suggestion.

When I shut down and restart the computer the drives both light up as if being recognized, but I can not use either of them

1. Sony CD-RW CRX216E

2. GCR-8481B

Anyone Else Have an idea as to why these drives are not being recognized???

From Microsoft XP Resource Kit:

Error Code 41 - Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but cannot find the hardware device. (Code 41)

A driver was loaded but Windows cannot find the device. This happens when Windows does not detect a non-Plug and Play device.

If the device was removed, uninstall the driver, install the device, and then click Scan for hardware changes to reinstall the driver. If the hardware was not removed, obtain a new or updated driver for the device.

If the device is a non-Plug and Play device, a newer version of the driver might be needed. To install non-Plug and Play devices, use the Add Hardware wizard. Click Performance and Maintenance on Control Panel, click System, and on the Hardware tab, click Add Hardware Wizard.

On the General Properties tab of the device, click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooting wizard.

Even if the device was not removed, you may want to remove it and try the complete uninstall / re-install.

From Windows XP Knowledge Base:

CD-ROM access is missing and messages cite error Code 31, Code 32, Code 19, Code 39, or Code 41 after you remove Easy CD Creator in Windows XP

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).

2. Locate the UpperFilters value under the following key in the registry:


3. On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click OK.

4. Locate the LowerFilters value under the same key in the registry:


5. On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click OK.

6. Quit Registry Editor.NOTE: After you remove the Upperfilters value and the Lowerfilters value, if you notice lost functionality in a particular program, such as CD recording software, you may need to reinstall that software. If the problem recurs, consult with the software vendor for assistance.

7. Restart your computer.

Although this is specific to removing Easy CD Creator, others cite this as a general fix for Code 41.


OK...I am over my head here. I did go to and found this fix that you have noted. I am ready to try it...but in the registry I see one key...since both keys are the same values, what does Upper Filter and Lower Filter mean?? If I delete the first "Upper Filter" where is the lower one.?

Anyone? I will give this a try to get my CD drive working again...otherwise I have no clue.

Okay, I'm assuming these are Parallel ATA drives, right? Obviously the power is fine, because the lights come on and the drives open. If both drives went "bad" at the same time, I have a possible idea of what might be wrong.

Most likely, both drives are using the same ATA cable (the gray ribbon-looking cable). If Windows is no longer recognizing either of them, it is possible that either the cable shorted, or the slot on your motherboard went bad. Obviously, cables and ports don't go faulty often, but you might be surprised.

Did you try uninstalling and reinstalling the drives? All you have to do is right-click My Computer, click Properties, click the Hardware Tab, and then click Device Manager. Once you've opened the Device Manager, expand DVD/CD-ROM drives, and uninstal each drive by right-clicking it and selecting Uninstal. After removing both, restart Windows (you could also just choose to scan for harware changes, but restarting is more effective, since it also resets your processes). Windows should automatically reinstall the drives.

So if this doesn't work, just get a new PATA cable, and maybe that will solve your dilemma.

Okay, I'm assuming these are Parallel ATA drives, right? Obviously the power is fine, because the lights come on and the drives open. If both drives went "bad" at the same time, I have a possible idea of what might be wrong.

Most likely, both drives are using the same ATA cable (the gray ribbon-looking cable). If Windows is no longer recognizing either of them, it is possible that either the cable shorted, or the slot on your motherboard went bad. Obviously, cables and ports don't go faulty often, but you might be surprised.

Did you try uninstalling and reinstalling the drives? All you have to do is right-click My Computer, click Properties, click the Hardware Tab, and then click Device Manager. Once you've opened the Device Manager, expand DVD/CD-ROM drives, and uninstal each drive by right-clicking it and selecting Uninstal. After removing both, restart Windows (you could also just choose to scan for harware changes, but restarting is more effective, since it also resets your processes). Windows should automatically reinstall the drives.

So if this doesn't work, just get a new PATA cable, and maybe that will solve your dilemma.


First ..thanks I opened the pc and the cables seem fine..I also tried the uninstall, but all along the issue was in the registry. Not Sure how this happened.....But

OK..whoever Glenn is on this forum...your fix was correct all along..I just did not get the Upper Filter, Lower Filter thing...I had to go into the registry and delete those as you had posted. I finally get it after all this time.....Now, I did unfortunately delete a few other sub keys by mistake and not sure if that will be an issue...but the CD drives are working. I have been working on this issue for TOO LONG! I was almost going to just take the pc to some computer place and pay someone to fix it. So, I saved myself the $$$, but my time put into it was finally worth it.