Hi again Gary,
Good to hear that you CCleaned your teenagers "closets".
Now we need your help and information.
Bug fixers info-CCleaner 2.08"
I thought that you may run into the Administrator vs Std users inconsistency.
For a few versions now I have been trying to gather more data for the "bug fixers" as regards this situation.
Thank you for being so observant and reporting this.
The info as regards Vista edition,version, and format is critical.Also the facts regarding admin vs std user functions.
The following info will help others to come up with a solution.
These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?
Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) OK, here goes:
UpdateKey=05/06/2008 05:50:51 PM
(App)Old Prefetch data=False
(App)IIS Log Files=False
(App)Hotfix Uninstallers=False
(App)Menu Order Cache=False
(App)Tray Notifications Cache=False
(App)Window Size/Location Cache=False
(App)User Assist History=False
(App)Custom Folders=False
I should have (App)Taken a Keyboard Typing Class=TRUE!
Are you using a winapp2.ini file? No
Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".
Are you running with Administrator privileges. Yes
CCleaner version ? 2.08.588
OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Vista Home Premium SP1 32bit, Directx V10.0 (?)
Browsers and ver.? IE7 as default (via AOL 9.0VR Dial-up), OE HP/Yahoo Home Page
Security software and ver? Norton IS 2008, both Windows Firewall and Defender OFF.
Other data you think might be relevant? Compaq SR5130NX Desktop, purch Sept 07
What did you do and then what happened? First, logged on all the users. Then cleaned with the OE tools (Disk Cleanup, IE Browsing History, Cookies, etc.). Then "moved" CCleaner sc icon from the Admn User's Desktop to "Desktop" at (C:\Users\Public\Desktop) to put an icon on every users desktop, verified OK.
CCleaned (incl Reg) Admn User. For Std User #1, I Rt clicked CC icon "Run as Admn", but it Ccleaned the Admn User again, not Std User #1! So, I did Lt click and Ccleaned (& Reg) Std User #1, then SU#2 and SU#3. Then at SU#3 I tried the Rt click "Run as Admn" again, but it Ccleaned the Admn User yet again! Then verified OK operation at each user. I then went through and moved the Reg backups to a floppy, which I'll hold for a week (yep, I cross-ref'd name to cc#) this will prevent "ooops" reg merging. Lastly, I went to the Public Desktop and moved the CC sc icon back to the Admn Users desktop (Std Users CC function didn't seem to be much less than the Admn Users, and the Reg thing worried me!)
I found it odd that the UAC permission came up at the Admn User but NOT the Std Users! It did come up at the Std Users when I did the Rt click "Run as Admn" and asked for a password, as it should. Just for laughs, I tried C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ instead of using the CC sc icon with the same results.
I got a "Program Compatability" Warning! Problem Event Name PCA2. It lists 2 Files to describe the problem: appcompt.txt and Tab706F.tmp. The app file starts off with <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> and continues on about filters, checksums, versions, etc. etc. I'm lousy at screen-capture stuff, I wish I could fax it to ya!
CCleaner worked fine regardless- I can live with a coupla oddities!
The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information.
http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark it and save in your Favorites.
Thanks for taking your time to make a report.
Davey- Sorry about the length- are you now sorry you asked? Take care.g.