Simple question arisen from the recent change (2.35) in the 'Adobe Flash Player' entry visible in winapp.ini:
If an entry has two "Detect(File)" lines, e.g. "Detect=HKCR\CLSID\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000}" and "DetectFile=%windir%\system32\Macromed\flash\flashplayer.xpt" as for 'Adobe Flash Player', when is it detected? Do they both have to be present, or is the existence of one of them enough to trigger detection, i.e. 'Adobe Flash Player' will show up in Multimedia?
That is a bug in the new version, but if both the registry detect and the file detect are there it should work fine.
I think were it that there were two detect files, ie detectfile=%programfiles%\blah.txt detectfile=%programfiles%\lala.txt only one would be needed, but since this is a registry value and a file, both are needed.