Multiple CCleaner Licences

Too many copies of CCleaner.

7 minutes ago, Richard Hatfield said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Too many copies of CCleaner.

Do you want to add a bit more info about this so we can get some idea of your problem?

I am a retired engineer and getting pretty old and forgetful. I seem to have 6 or 7 Reference Numbers and License Keys for CCleaner that have collected over the years. I only need and use one! I us it and my wife uses it. That is all! I think that only one is on my computer. That is all I need. But I keep getting emails from you that say my account is running down in a few days (the one I have is for 2 years and only a month or so since I set it up) and needs to be refunded. How do I clear ALL of the stuff and hold on to one? I can give you a list if you wish.

You sent an email saying someone from CCleaner was already replying. But they did not wait until the full situation was written. Now What?

I have asked someone to take a look for you.

However it is the start of the weekend now so it may be a day or so Richard.

@Richard Hatfield: It can be easy to lose track of things if you have licences attached to multiple email addresses - but you can always pull up your information (licence key, expiry date, etc) for a specific email address from

If you have accumulated multiple licence keys that still have time left on them then the good folks at would be happy to merge and consolidate them for you - be sure to refer to "merge licence keys" in the subject line. Our US support team shift is just about to knock off for the weekend though, so they probably won't be able to get to it until Monday though.