MSRT Monthly Update for Win xp Has Stopped?

This is just an FYI for anybody still running win xp.

I know there are a few on here who do, and would be interested to learn if any of you guys experienced a similar situation.

Since support for win xp expired, I have been getting a monthly tray popup that an update is available for the malicious software removal tool.

On the 14th of April 2015 that update failed several times.

The microsoft safety scanner showed all OK.

I manually downloaded and ran the MSRT from here and the popup still popped, and the update still failed.

The "windows update troubleshooter" made the popup disappear, but it reappeared upon restart. Troubleshooter is here:

I tried just disabling windows updates but it made that ugly red X appear in the tray.

I finally just ran the troubleshooter, stopped the popup, and hid that update within "all programs > Windows update".

Now, no popup, no problem.

Before the barrage starts, I know xp is out of support, not safe, may bring down the free world, and is a danger to "life as we know it, Jim". :P

I also know there is no such thing as a safe windows OS, or indeed maybe any OS.

I'm just trying to keep xp going as long as may be.

Any comments, good, bad, or ugly, would be welcome, expecially from a fellow "xp-er" :)

I have Windows Updates disabled on XP and have no ugly red X :)

Using Sandboxie plus a few other things on XP, I feel safe without the non-existent updates now anyway.

Perhaps just run an ESET online scan once a month instead of MRT.

Windows Defender Offline no longer works on XP as from this month.

I don't get any poop-ups ("pop-ups") from Microsoft because I disabled the Automatic Updates service. One other thing this old XP system runs relatively fine without any bugs be introduced by Microsoft via updates.

I tried just disabling windows updates but it made that ugly red X appear in the tray.

its easy to make it so

--> start

--> control panel (system control)

--> Security Center

--> klick on the left side "Change alert settings in Security Center"

-->uncheck "automatic updates"


in german:

--> Start

--> Systemsteuerung

--> Sicherheitscenter

--> klicke auf der linken Seite "Warnungseinstellungen des Sicherheitscenters ändern"

--> entferne das Häkchen bei "automatische Updates"


the same with "Virus protection" ;) if xp is no longer supported

ms defenter should be deinstalled/removed B) (if it doesnt work, its unnecessary)

Thanks all. Will do that, Trium.

my pleasure login123 :)

so theoretically the service "Security Center" is unnecessary and you can switched off/deactivate it in

--> Systemsteuerung (System Control) --> Verwaltung (Administration) --> Dienste (Services)

+ you can also deactivate "Automatische Updates" (Automatic Updates)

Did just as you said, Trium, and now updates are off, ugly red X is gone.

Thanks a million.

As Tasgandy says, "You're never too old to learn."

I did, however, need to forget something to make room for that.

Problem is, I don't know what I forgot. :P

I've only had Automatic Updates set to Disabled since last year. Security Center I left on since it does monitor that the Windows Firewall and installed antivirus are on - I've seen antivirus have some fault and not turn on at boot-time with the only clue to an issue being the warning from Security Center stating it isn't on.

I've only had Automatic Updates set to Disabled since last year. Security Center I left on since it does monitor that the Windows Firewall and installed antivirus are on - I've seen antivirus have some fault and not turn on at boot-time with the only clue to an issue being the warning from Security Center stating it isn't on.

Good point

Yes, good point. I'll probably just go with hiding the update every time it pops up. But trium's recommendations did work well.

deactivate security center and automatic updates

only my personal opinion :) in german "Asche auf mein Haupt" i dont know if google right with "shame on me"

if my av dont work i see it on the icon on the right side of taskbar beside clock...if an issue it came a message and if no icon--> i know. the xp firewall--is only a half-i use another one --> i have deactivate xp firewall too

i dont go with xp into net (only for av-updates etc...)

did work well

as said Robin Williams in "the 200 years Man"--> I am always happy at your service :)