According to BlackViper: Go to the "Add Remove Programs" and click the "Windows components." Here, take out all the crap you do not need. Such as "MSN EXPLORER" and such.
I am by no means an expert and that is why I just assumed it was necessary for proper function. By the above comment, I gather it is not. Will IE still function and will all be ok in XP land if I disable it?
The problem is that Microsoft uses Messenger a lot with its applications and services.
There is the un-necessary Messenger Service that
Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger. If this service is stopped, Alerter messages will not be transmitted.
Then there is Windows Messenger that is the old Instant Messaging client that is installed by default and is un-necessary.
Then there is the new Windows Live Messenger Build 8.5.1302.1018 that I use occasionally.
I don't use MSN Explorer neither and IE7 works just fine with IE7Pro and IE8 beta2 with IE7Pro that I am typing this post with right now.
Windows Messenger and MSN Explorer can be un-installed through Add/Remove Programs then Add/Remove Windows Components.
I can't make heads or tails of these too simple instructions. I mean, really, read them.
"To add or remove a component, click the checkbox." WTF? Notice that some are already checked when I started this app. Does this mean they're installed and I should "uncheck" them to uninstall them? It certainly doesn't tell me that.
I can't make heads or tails of these too simple instructions. I mean, really, read them.
"To add or remove a component, click the checkbox." WTF? Notice that some are already checked when I started this app. Does this mean they're installed and I should "uncheck" them to uninstall them? It certainly doesn't tell me that.
I guess that is where experience comes in so un-check the item to un-install it because they usually get installed in a default Windows install unless you do a Custom install that I choose to do so that I do not get AOL, Indexing Service nor MSN nor the other default fluff that I don't need.
I don't know what he uses, however you can really customize your Windows install CD with this little GEM:
nLite, and you can even add default software to the setup disc if you use a DVD to allow for extra space.
I made an nLite customized XP install DVD slipstreamed with XP SP3, however I haven't had the chance to use it yet and won't try it out until the OS is really messed up and non-usable anymore.
I don't care for Indexing, messenger service, msn explorer or any other of the things M$ tries to push. I search with Total Commander instead of Explorer. It works well enough for my needs.